PHE 9 AH Reflection

My Artifact

PHE 9 AH Reflection

Potential stressors Coping strategies that I use

being called on to do everything at home
Do a little bit at a time. Do the hardest tasks first. Take short breaks every so often.
Telling my sister that she has to do something. Take a deep breath.

When I have a belt test for martial arts that I’m really worried about I just have to take a deep breath and tell myself that I’ll be fine and that I won’t fail. Sometimes there will be weekends that all my teachers give me homework but I’m also doing things over the weekend. When this happens I have to be very good at managing time. I do all the hardest things that I have first when I have time and then I do the rest of it when Im not doing things.

Core Competency Reflection

  1. I work with others to achieve a goal. When I have too much work to do, I work with the people in my live to get them done. I get my mom and friends to look over my work so I know I’m not making any mistakes and when I need a break I can play with my dog.
  2. I advocate for myself.  When I have a lot of work to do and I think that its too much for me to handle, I ask my teachers if I can have the due date on one of my projects pushed forward.
  3. I advocate for myself. When at home I’m getting too much work from my Mom, I sometimes have to tell her to stop and give my sister somethings to do instead of piling it all on me.
  4. I imagine and work towards change in myself and in the world.  When I feel like I have no control in the world I just stop and think of the things I can do and work towards them instead I stressing about things I can’t control.

Sometimes I end up advocating for others more than myself and I need to work on advocating for myself more.


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