Short Story Writing Process

My Story

Core Competency Reflection

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is brainstorming. For this project, we started with a brainstorm. We just though of ideas and started writing one idea. We were allowed to change our idea later, but we just started writing whatever came to mind. This was helpful because I got something on the paper, I didn’t just end up staring at the computer trying to come up with the “perfect idea” the whole time.

A skill I have developed to make my creative activities better is rewriting my story. I had to go back to my writing many times to revise it and fix the things that needed to be fixed. The next time I write something I will use this strategy to make my work as good as it can be.

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I would listen to music to help calm myself or create space in my mind to get myself in the mood of my book. When I couldn’t think of a way to take my story that felt like a good idea, I would listen to music. Usually it was music that was in the same mood as where I wanted to take my story. This way I could get my mood into the same mood as the story and I could put out more words that I felt went in the right direction.

One goal I have for my writing is to take more risks. I do already take some risks in my writing but I want to add more. to achieve this goal I will try to write more short stories that have different writing techniques in them.
