Pre-Calculus Post

This semester I tried to keep an open mind about all the problems and concepts that we are doing. Last year I had a math class that wasn’t very good, and I had a lot of trouble in. This year I tried my best to stay positive about what we are doing. I didn’t really understand fully all the concepts covered last year because they were taught to me in a way that I did not understand but I tried not to let that stop me from learning the new concepts. One of the things that I was particularly not good at last year was trigonometry because of the way it was explained to me. This semester in trigonometry I think that I did pretty well with a basis of understanding that was not solid. I was somehow able to fill the gaps of my understanding and figure out how to do the problems. 

Word problems have generally been one of the things that I feel I struggle most at in math. Some of the time I feel like I know what I am doing and other times I am just so confused. I was able to do a trigonometry word problem that someone else was struggling with. I tried to keep an open mind about the problem and think “I can do this problem correctly” instead of “I can’t do this.” I was able to complete the problem with only minimal help and I felt very good about that. 


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