EFP 11

Pocahontas synthesis essay


Curricular Competencies Reflection

I chose this project because it gave me a better understanding of the issues that Indigenous peoples have had to face and continue to face. This project allowed me to look at the Indigenous perspective and colonization in a different light. I inspected articles on the true story of Pocahontas and determined if they were authentic then, if they were, I contrasted them with Disney’s version of Pocahontas.

Core Competencies Reflection

This essay allowed me to grow my ability to creatively come up with conclusions and my own opinions on issues. I was able to look at two pieces of media and critically come up with which one was the more accurate piece. I was also able to help others if they needed input on their ideas.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

Pocahontas true story synthesis assignment

Curricular Competencies Reflection

This project has taught me many different lessons. I have learned about how Pocahontas’s story was romanticized by the media and what her true story is. I have learned about the different perspectives that the Indigenous had verses the colonizers that played a role in the portrayal of Pocahontas’s story. Though feedback from my teacher and classmates I wrote an essay that I was proud of. I have learned that I need to be critical of the information that is being fed to me though media. I should learn to be able to look at situations from other people’s perspectives. Better understanding other’s perspectives will help me with reconciliation by being able to empathize with the Indigenous.

Core Competencies Reflection

I feel that I did a good job communicating my ideas through this project. I took the resources that I had and used them and my own ideas to create an essay that was well thought out and addressed the issue clearly. I think that my conclusion on the contrast between Disney’s Pocahontas and her real story was put into words in an organized and clear manner. Next time we have to write an essay I will try to add more examples of my own ideas and make more connections between my experiences and the evidence provided.