Core Competency Goals

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated – I would like to be better at finding evidence to help my judgements and decisions because I like to be able to recognize ideas that would help me to come to a conclusion and help me to find answers to what I need to know.

Topics or concepts for which I can offer detailed feedback or analysis – Since I am not the best at explaining concepts, I would like to improve on that. I would like others to understand what I am talking about and would like if I could explain concepts in a smooth and confident tone.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well – I want to be able to have the confidence to talk to people I don’t know well when in a group. I usually have troubles starting conversations when I am in a group with people I have yet to meet, so to be able to have a conversation with them confidently would be nice.


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