Edublog Post – Tritrations



To put it simply, a titration is a neutralization reaction using special techniques. It is the process in which a quantity of a solution within a sample is determined. This is earned by gradually adding a known amount of another substance to the sample. We used titration by gradually adding NaOH to HCL during the lab, then recording the given volume when the final quantity of NaOH was found. The endpoint of a titration is when the titration is completed and a physical change has occurred. You will know when you have reached the endpoint of a titration when the color of the solution changes completely due to adding another substance to the original solution. My partner and I knew we had reached the endpoint when our solution had changed into a pink color. Overall, the average volume of NaOH needed to neutralize 10.00ml of unknown HCL was 14.02ml. The molarity of the mentioned unknown HCL was found to be 0.0626M.


Using the Thinking competency, my partner and I were able to solve problems by observing and taking our thoughts to make strategies to complete a task. For example, we observed what people were doing wrong during the techniques process and use those mistakes to identify what we needed to do to get through those issues. I was also able to use my teacher’s feedback from the day before to improve on my titration skills and get a more accurate result. We also were able to use our information to analyze and collaborate on the lab worksheet. Next time, something I would improve on would be to rely more on myself to be able to think of ideas and create solutions for upcoming problems.

Independent Studying

My notes I used to help me study!


A Japanese study habit I continued to use throughout this project was creating a note sheet to be able to record new expressions/grammar/words and looking back on it whenever I was stumped. Also, color coding by categories and importance helped me look for what I need faster and easier.

I appreciate feedback on my reading and writing skills and prefer it comes in the form of writing or in the form of text. I am not a fan of being told by speaking one-on-one, so getting it in the form of writing is extremely useful to me.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better is color coding and using a ruler to ensure that I get the neatest results possible.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as completing a project or submitting a final test, I try to relax and calm myself before starting something new. I’m usually stressed after a big project like this one, so calming myself helps me to reflect and start anew for the next day.

I will continue my Japanese language acquisition by possibly taking Japanese 12 in the new year. Learning a new language is something that sticks out to me and I hope to continue doing so.

If I could travel back in time, I would tell myself to revise and look over notes a few times a week to understand them. I would also tell myself to keep up with my work and ask others for help when needed.


Part 1:

The aspects of learning in Japanese that have been easy include vocabulary and grammar points, they help me understand what l need to know for the upcoming unit and give me examples and definitions that I can use. I can also rely on them for later units to bring out the best of my ability. The aspects of Japanese that have been hard include remembering kanji workbooks and what each kanji means. I am not the best at memorizing so it has been challenging to remember every kanji, but sometimes it can be good to challenge myself.

After taking Japanese for a few years, I’ve realized that I need to focus on understanding terms and how to use them compared to just memorizing each term. I’ve begun to practice studying my grammar points more this year so that I can use them in sentences on the test or on projects. I’ve also realized that I should study long-term for tests so that I can use these terms in the future.

Part 2:


R1 – Tokyo Skytree

I have never visited a city tower before, and I would love to do so in the future. The appeal of a tall tower is that it catches your eye among other city buildings while walking through the city. It’s goal is to attract people into going to it or researching more about it. I think having a city tower in Coquitlam would be cool, but I think it would have little purpose. There are lots of skyscrapers in Coquitlam that block everything else, so having a city tower would serve no purpose.

I don’t think having places that mainly attract tourism are a good use of city funds. Sure, they give people something to do, but I just think having too many tourist attractions is a waste of funds.

A place I would love to visit in Tokyo would be the Tokyo Dome! It looks huge and I would love to experience a concert or show in there.

R2 – Self Study

My study habits that I did well were staying organized so that I could go to a certain section when I was needing to study it, and using our notes and translations to help me understand the unit a little more every time. I used these very frequently, and whenever I use them I feel like they help me with my memory and they help me understand the words better.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are brainstorming on an app, or going to other people to see what I could come up with using their ideas. I use others ideas often because I feel like I can develop off of new ideas, which then turn into newer and fresher ideas that then turn into my final concept for an assignment or a project.

I appreciate feedback on grammar and writing, and prefer that it come when I get handed back an assignment and when I ask about it personally. It helps me improve on skills and it tells me what I need to focus on the next time I do something like that.

An example of something I have spent lots of my time learning is how to recognize kanji and how to recognize when I need to use a particle. This is important to me because I make lots of mistakes that involve these two topics and I worry that I will get something wrong.

I will continue my Japanese acquisition throughout the years by continuing to take Japanese courses throughout high school.

If I could travel back in time, I would tell myself that it gets better over time and I would show myself better ways to organize my work and put it in a notebook to use later on. My notebook would be really helpful in grade 9 and if I had it back then, I would be more understanding of each unit.

R1 – Harajuku Fashion

Harajuku fashion is interesting, and shows off different sides of people. I look at some of these outfits and wish I had some of them in my closet. I think some of the baggy, casual styles could definitely be popular in Canada, since lots of people like to be comfortable and casual in Canada. I think that Harajuku fashion is so popular amongst the younger generation because they want to be able to express themselves in fashionable ways so that people can be attracted to what they are doing. I enjoy my type of fashion style, but I wish I could change a few things. I could change something like what type of shirts I wear, or more formal pants like baggy jeans, or just more structured pants that fit comfortably.

Core Competency Goals

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated – I would like to be better at finding evidence to help my judgements and decisions because I like to be able to recognize ideas that would help me to come to a conclusion and help me to find answers to what I need to know.

Topics or concepts for which I can offer detailed feedback or analysis – Since I am not the best at explaining concepts, I would like to improve on that. I would like others to understand what I am talking about and would like if I could explain concepts in a smooth and confident tone.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well – I want to be able to have the confidence to talk to people I don’t know well when in a group. I usually have troubles starting conversations when I am in a group with people I have yet to meet, so to be able to have a conversation with them confidently would be nice.

Advertisement and Persuasion

My Advertisement

Introducing “The Cover Umbrella”! This umbrella isn’t like any other umbrella, it’s wider and covers more of your face so that you don’t have to worry about any of your hair or any of your head accessories getting ruined while walking or going to your daily activities. The Cover Umbrella also has enough space for you to share with a friend or colleague! So, if you ever see somebody walking alone on a rainy day with no umbrella, why not welcome them into your Cover Umbrella? They’ll enjoy some company, and feel a feeling of kindness as well! I don’t expect lots of people to invest in my product, but we do online orders and offline orders as well! New customers have a special deal of 30% percent off if they’re interested in this product.

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way by using graphics and giving brief and simple details on what it’s purpose, main idea, and special details are. This ties in with the PowerPoint and poster portion of my assignment because I was able to share info about my product and show graphics of what I have to offer as well. I was able to gain knowledge about this product that I have created and use it to expand on my assignment.

I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and  myself by appreciating what I have created and adding onto it to add more detail and special features to make myself even prouder. I wouldn’t add too much, though, since that would overcrowd my work and make myself less proud. I was able to do this while making my advertisement poster and getting positive feedback from friends and peers around me.

I can apply constructive strategies to navigate misunderstandings and conflicts by thinking of new strategies and ideas that can replace my old thought-up ideas. I can also do this by asking others for support and ideas, and taking those ideas to higher levels to make my work look good. This happened after I submitted my plan, and came back the next day to have to make a new, updated plan with a totally different path I had to go down. I changed from a place advertisement to a product advertisement because of the multiple parts of the place advertisement I would’ve had to manage and how much more that would have been on me.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others by speaking up to others and gaining new knowledge on the things they have done for the assignment. I can also gain ideas on the internet from real people and use what they have done to add onto my work. This also ties into the PowerPoint and poster portion because of the graphics AND text I put into both things. I showed off multiple offers and tweaked them to fit the vibe I was going for, same with the PowerPoint as I have showed some graphics and new ideas I had generated in my head and introduced into my product throughout the creating process.