Edublog Post – Tritrations



To put it simply, a titration is a neutralization reaction using special techniques. It is the process in which a quantity of a solution within a sample is determined. This is earned by gradually adding a known amount of another substance to the sample. We used titration by gradually adding NaOH to HCL during the lab, then recording the given volume when the final quantity of NaOH was found. The endpoint of a titration is when the titration is completed and a physical change has occurred. You will know when you have reached the endpoint of a titration when the color of the solution changes completely due to adding another substance to the original solution. My partner and I knew we had reached the endpoint when our solution had changed into a pink color. Overall, the average volume of NaOH needed to neutralize 10.00ml of unknown HCL was 14.02ml. The molarity of the mentioned unknown HCL was found to be 0.0626M.


Using the Thinking competency, my partner and I were able to solve problems by observing and taking our thoughts to make strategies to complete a task. For example, we observed what people were doing wrong during the techniques process and use those mistakes to identify what we needed to do to get through those issues. I was also able to use my teacher’s feedback from the day before to improve on my titration skills and get a more accurate result. We also were able to use our information to analyze and collaborate on the lab worksheet. Next time, something I would improve on would be to rely more on myself to be able to think of ideas and create solutions for upcoming problems.


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