English 10 Reflection

Passion Project Essay
Cirricular Competencies Reflection

Something I learned during this assignment was how to write an effective introduction and it helped my reading skills as I had to be able to comprehend the text I was using to write the introduction and using my viewing skills I was able to improve the text based off what I was writing. I was also able to improve in my writing skills because I was able to learn new skills by writing this introduction and it helped me understand key aspects that I needed to add in my essay.

Core comeptencies Reflection

I was able to use my critical thinking skills to solve writing errors and fix the text that my teacher says can be interpreted differently. This helps me think deeply about how I can re-write the text and make it fit my essay’s overall goal. I was also able to analyze my essay and come back to parts where they seem uneasy or they just don’t fit in the spot I had originally placed them in. I used lots of feedback from my teacher to improve on my writing and asked her for her insight when I was troubled by something I was writing. Something I would improve on for next time would be to try and figure out my mistakes on my own and fix those errors independently. I would still rely on my teacher sometimes, but I would like to be able to recognize my own mistakes and improve based off of them.

Science 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

my graph from the thermal energy lab

I used the thinking core competency during the thermal energy lab. I was able to use lots of creative thinking to make sure the cup became cold and was able to work with a partner to make sure our ideas worked. When something didn’t work, we were able to work onto it and come up with a new and better idea that was able to work. We also worked with the other people in our group (who were doing the hot cup) and worked together while thinking of new, creative ideas. I feel like I could improve on strategizing new ideas and expanding to more people to see what they had done to make their cup colder.

CPR Reflection

My Learning of CPR

CPR Reflection

a. What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before?  

Something new I learned about this unit is CPR as a whole. I learned how the process works and how to prepare to begin compressions. Something I didn’t consider before this lesson was asking about medication or allergies when the person is responsive and can come to their senses again.

b. What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit? 

They key takeaway from this unit was how to begin CPR (and how the situation works), how to recognize if somebody is having a stroke or going into cardiac arrest, and how to use an AED when needed. This is useful for real life scenarios and when somebody is actually going through one of these things.

c. How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously?  

This unit connects to nutrition because you will have a higher risk of a heart attack if your diet is poor and you have high cholesteryl in your body. To keep the risk of a heart attack down, you should maintain a good diet and make sure you are in good shape.


When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I take charge of the situation. I ask everyone to do a task and make sure everyone is doing their respective task correctly.

In this unit, I am proud that I accomplished the techniques of CPR and have learned how to do certain things in certain scenarios by paying attention to the demonstrations and paying attention to the instructions that the booklet says to follow.

One area of CPR in which I’d like to spend more time learning is what to do when this happens during an environmental emergency, like an earthquake or tsunami. I’d also like to know what to do when the paramedics can’t show up or when help doesn’t arrive.  

Piano Linear Equation Word Problem


Janet bought an electric piano for $850. 3 years later, the value of the piano is now $1168.50.

A) Write the equation of this scenario in function notation.

B) How much is the piano’s value after 8 years?



Creative Thinking:

The inspiration for this problem came from my love for music. I’ve always loved the piano and thought using it in my problem would be neat and interesting to solve. I don’t mean for this problem to be challenging, which is also why I chose something simple. I chose the image at the top because it’s the keys of a piano, which is a part of the item my problem is about. I was hoping to get a full picture of a piano, but I like how the image looks when it is just focusing on the keys of the piano. I did not draw it and got it from searching up an electric piano on the internet using the filter “All Creative Commons”.

Critical Thinking: I got my information by looking at the official Best Buy website and searching up “electric pianos” to get good prices for my problem. The piano I used is Roland FP-10 88-Key Weighted Hammer Action Digital Piano – Black | Best Buy Canada.

I made sure my equations worked out by trying out different questions. First, I did a deprecation question, lowering the amount after a few years. I changed that question because I felt like the answer was wrong, and it didn’t really make sense. So, I changed the question to an appreciation question, and made the price go up after a few years. When I solved the question, it made sense. The question always was simple, and my equations were always right, which is why I kept my question like this. Honestly, I felt like it made more sense as well for the question, because I feel like depending on the brand, the electric piano would increase in price because of its rarity to some people.

Brochure Reflection

What is the Topic of my Brochure?

The topic of my brochure is about the character Adora from the show “She-Ra and the Princesses of Power”. It talks about her background, friends and foes, other media she has showed up in and some quotes that have been said in the show.

Core competencies I have demonstrated
  • I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.
  • I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning and behavior.
  • I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.

PHE 9 AH Reflection

PHE 9 AH Reflection

Part 1:

Potential StressorCoping Strategies I use
Too much school workListening to music or talking it out with somebody.
Unsure if its a one-sided friendship or notTalk to somebody about the situation or go out and doing something I enjoy. Also reflecting on certain topics helps me.

Part 2:

Whenever I got too much school work, it would feel as if I did something wrong and I would have to spend all my free time working on something I didn’t want to do. One of the many (and most reliable) ways I could be able to finish my work is to listen to music I enjoy and finish my work while listening to the music since it helps me calm down and focus on what I am doing. Friendships, for me, are sometimes hard to decipher, and whenever I can’t tell if somebody has a mutual friendship feeling for me I will tend to overthink the situation and become stressed. To solve my stress, I can always rely on talking to something or going out and doing something I feel will keep my mind off the whole situation for the time-being until I am ready to solve it.

Core Competency Reflection

  • I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it to.

I chose this because I have to think about what I will talk about with somebody before ranting about it. It helps me to gain ideas before I actually begin to talk to somebody.

  • I work to inform myself about issues surrounding me.

I chose those because I am aware of what is going on around me and what is causing me to feel stressed. This helps me to be aware and will help me to figure out how I can become less stressed or how to work towards becoming less stressed in a few steps.

  •  I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

I chose this because I am able to analyze important details to help me make a final judgement on what is making me stressed or what I believe is contributing to my stress. This statement helps me to make final conclusions and change my thought process before I can start doing my coping methods.

  • I can reflect on my thinking.

I chose this because reflecting on my thinking helps me cope and helps me to figure out newer ways that could help me to resolve my stress. It helps me make new conclusions and also calm down in the process of making conclusions.

Animate E-Card Reflection

What is the theme/message of your E-Card?

The theme of my E-Card is Valentines’ Day. I chose this theme because it was February and Valentines’ Day was only a couple days ago from when I started the assignment. I believe the message of my E-Card was to tell somebody how much you are thinking of them and to wish them “Happy Valentines’ Day!”.

What core competencies did you demonstrate with the E-Card Assignment?

I believe I have used the Creative Thinking competency, the Communicating competency, and the Personal Awareness and Responsibility competency while doing my E-Card assignment. I think this because I have shown a message in my E-Card with words and spreading the message in my E-Card (communicating). I have also thought of and used new and creative ideas in my assignment and I believe I have shown pride and joy in what I have made (creative thinking and personal awareness and responsibility).

Advertisement and Persuasion

My Advertisement

Introducing “The Cover Umbrella”! This umbrella isn’t like any other umbrella, it’s wider and covers more of your face so that you don’t have to worry about any of your hair or any of your head accessories getting ruined while walking or going to your daily activities. The Cover Umbrella also has enough space for you to share with a friend or colleague! So, if you ever see somebody walking alone on a rainy day with no umbrella, why not welcome them into your Cover Umbrella? They’ll enjoy some company, and feel a feeling of kindness as well! I don’t expect lots of people to invest in my product, but we do online orders and offline orders as well! New customers have a special deal of 30% percent off if they’re interested in this product.

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way by using graphics and giving brief and simple details on what it’s purpose, main idea, and special details are. This ties in with the PowerPoint and poster portion of my assignment because I was able to share info about my product and show graphics of what I have to offer as well. I was able to gain knowledge about this product that I have created and use it to expand on my assignment.

I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and  myself by appreciating what I have created and adding onto it to add more detail and special features to make myself even prouder. I wouldn’t add too much, though, since that would overcrowd my work and make myself less proud. I was able to do this while making my advertisement poster and getting positive feedback from friends and peers around me.

I can apply constructive strategies to navigate misunderstandings and conflicts by thinking of new strategies and ideas that can replace my old thought-up ideas. I can also do this by asking others for support and ideas, and taking those ideas to higher levels to make my work look good. This happened after I submitted my plan, and came back the next day to have to make a new, updated plan with a totally different path I had to go down. I changed from a place advertisement to a product advertisement because of the multiple parts of the place advertisement I would’ve had to manage and how much more that would have been on me.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others by speaking up to others and gaining new knowledge on the things they have done for the assignment. I can also gain ideas on the internet from real people and use what they have done to add onto my work. This also ties into the PowerPoint and poster portion because of the graphics AND text I put into both things. I showed off multiple offers and tweaked them to fit the vibe I was going for, same with the PowerPoint as I have showed some graphics and new ideas I had generated in my head and introduced into my product throughout the creating process.