R2 – Self Study

My study habits that I did well were staying organized so that I could go to a certain section when I was needing to study it, and using our notes and translations to help me understand the unit a little more every time. I used these very frequently, and whenever I use them I feel like they help me with my memory and they help me understand the words better.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are brainstorming on an app, or going to other people to see what I could come up with using their ideas. I use others ideas often because I feel like I can develop off of new ideas, which then turn into newer and fresher ideas that then turn into my final concept for an assignment or a project.

I appreciate feedback on grammar and writing, and prefer that it come when I get handed back an assignment and when I ask about it personally. It helps me improve on skills and it tells me what I need to focus on the next time I do something like that.

An example of something I have spent lots of my time learning is how to recognize kanji and how to recognize when I need to use a particle. This is important to me because I make lots of mistakes that involve these two topics and I worry that I will get something wrong.

I will continue my Japanese acquisition throughout the years by continuing to take Japanese courses throughout high school.

If I could travel back in time, I would tell myself that it gets better over time and I would show myself better ways to organize my work and put it in a notebook to use later on. My notebook would be really helpful in grade 9 and if I had it back then, I would be more understanding of each unit.