Core Competency Goals

I will be able to boost my mood or re-focus when working

I am the type of person who often struggles on staying on task as I tend to get distracted and bored. I want to set myself the goal of being able to regulate myself as this semester I have some difficult classes such as Chemistry 12 that would require me to focus on my work. To achieve this goal, I will let myself take breaks because I get quickly bored since I try to finish all my work in one sitting, which only results in procrastination. These breaks can involve going outside, calling a friend or playing a quick game.

I want to make sure people feel included and aren’t left out.

I consider myself a person who is quite shy so I struggle in speaking up for myself and others. This semester, I want to have the confidence to be able to include other people. Ways to achieve this goal is by first getting help from my friends as I noticed I am more confident when I’m around them. After gaining more confidence, I can take the next step by doing it by myself. I will try and be more aware of the people around me to notice if anyone is being excluded and take initiative by talking to them or including them in group work.

I want to appreciate feedback on my work and prefer it comes in the form of constructive criticism

When doing work, I often don’t ask for feedback. I become very guarded towards my work and take negative feedback personally, but I want to work on receiving feedback as I understand that it is something that helps improve my work and skills. I want to receive this feedback in the form of constructive criticism. If all the feedback is positive, it is difficult to improve my work, so I would want to have feedback that analyzes my work closely. Ways I can achieve this goal is by reaching out to a peer or friend to look over my work and ask for their feedback. I can also show them the criteria for whatever assignment or project I’m working on as that will help them know what areas to analyze in order to give constructive criticism. 

Final Art Piece

For my final art piece, I demonstrated the core competency of communicating. I showed that I can receive and present information by communicating with others. For my piece, I was inspired by one of my friends. I wanted to incorporate parts of my friend’s identity to reflect my piece. This meant acquiring information such as her favourite colours as well as listening to many of her stories and our past memories to think of symbols to put in the art piece. I then presented the information I gathered by implementing components in my piece. I put green, yellow, and pinks for the background to represent her favourite colour, and I added two lemon vines as early in our friendship, I had gifted her a notebook with lemons. I interpreted the information gathered from communicating with my friend to then apply them to my piece.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Collaborating in CLE 10

The artifact I chose to represent my Collaboration Competency is the brainstorming interview worksheet. In this activity, we had to brainstorm ways in getting ready for an interview. While working on this activity, I demonstrated collaborative skills by supporting group interactions and working collectively as a class. During the activity, we had to share our ideas on a collective document the teacher had and I could value the different perspectives and ideas my classmates had. I listened actively as we took turns discussing. Before sharing, I also discussed with some of my peers where we listened to each others’ ideas and shared common answers. We contributed to each other’s ideas to soon have stronger ideas that we could share with the rest of the class. This skill is important in everyday life as you are constantly working with other people in your life so being able to communicate and work together with them is a valuable asset to have. This skill can be applied to everyday life such as when you’re working on projects in school or a job.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness and Responsibility in CLE 10

This artifact represents how I demonstrated one of the facets of Social Awareness and Responsibility, Contributing to the community and caring for the environment, in my Career Life class. For this assignment, I had to answer the questions given independently to then work collaboratively with a group. I had to be responsible for making sure my reflections were well-thought-out as my answers would impact my group’s performance. A challenge I faced when working on this was not rushing my answers. However, I was aware that it wouldn’t benefit my group so I finished my reflection well so later I can discuss it with my group members. Another challenge was discussing my answers with my group members since it involved a lot of discussions and listening to other peoples’ opinions. Once we finished, we were able to contribute to our classroom community with our answers.