The Crucible and Kohlberg’s Moral Perceptions

  This essay seeks to give readers a deeper comprehension of the characters in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. The reader may become confused by the way these people behave. Kohlberg’s moral perceptions, however, might help one comprehend the motivations underlying each character’s actions. This article will look at Kohlberg’s three categories and utilize them to determine each person’s motivation. Pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional are these categories. 

There are pre-conventional characters within the Crucible. Pre-conventional characters behave in such a way that allows them to not be punished and obtain reward. The first example of a character that acts in a way to avoid being punished is Sarah Good. It becomes clear that “Sarah Good confessed” to witchcraft when Mary Warren reports on it, demonstrating her preconventional nature and allowing her to avoid being executed. Abigail Williams is another one who exhibits these traits. She wants to be rewarded for taking out a needle from her stomach and saying that “it [was Elizabeth Proctor’s] familiar spirit [that] pushed it in.” Abigail things that Elizabeth will be hanged and that she will be able to replace Elizabeth beside John by telling the everyone that cody Proctor used witchcraft. She demonstrates her pre-conventional thinking by lying.And lastly, Paris. When he has a dagger in his door and says “There is danger for me,” he shows pre-conventional thinking. Kohlberg’s first precept is showed by him, who becomes anxious to escape the retribution that will come to him after persecuting Salem’s most notable citizens. He knows that he will become a target. In The Crucible, a number of characters take actions in order to get rewards and escape punishment. 

In addition to those who exemplify the first and second commandments of Kohlberg, The Crucible contains post-conventional characters. People who behave in this way have an internalised sense of right and wrong that is unaffected by rewards, penalties, or social approval. Elizabeth Proctor is one such figure. When she is questioned by John Hale before her arrest, it is evident how unconventional she is. “If you think that I am one, then I say there are none,” she says in response to Hale’s question on whether or not she believes in witches. Elizabeth’s refusal to lie about the existence of witches when she doesn’t think they exist is demonstrated by this statement. She doesn’t mind saying or acting in a way that she believes is correct and she is seen as a post conventical character.  

John Proctor is also evident when he chooses to be hung for witchcraft and decides to delete the confession he has signed. Proctor answers Hale’s assertion that he cannot accomplish this and that he will die, saying, “I can.” John clearly does not aspire to be accepted by the group because he would sooner die than be rewarded with a life spared by deception, as seen by his rejection of Hale’s assertions. Readers can see that John is a post-conventional figure based on his statement.  Giles Corey is another person who has similar beliefs. This logic is demonstrated by Giles when he is “pressed” to name the one who gave him important information. “More weight” is what Giles says twice when he is being tortured. This declaration demonstrates Giles’ willingness to die in defence of his beliefs and his inability to be persuaded by rewards, punishments, or social approval. Miller’s play features characters with a strong sense of right and wrong that is unaffected by rewards, punishments, or social approval, as demonstrated by the people who came before them. 

In addition to pre-conventional characters, The Crucible also has conventional. Such behaviour is when a person acts a certain way in order to have acceptance and approval of people. John Proctor is an illustration of a traditional character. When discussing their affair with the minor Abigail, he demonstrates similar logic. When Abigail says that they touched and got to know one another, John says, “Ay but we didn’t,” letting her know that he won’t acknowledge anything that happened between them verbally. He becomes a conventional character as a result, doing this to keep his reputation as a good man and to blend in with the “pure” Christian community.  shown by John Hale. when speaking of Reverend Parris in response to Jsohn Proctor’s concerns regarding his holiness. Hale replies, “The man’s ordained, therefore the light of God is in him”. Hale wishes to fit into the majority and not question the Reverend’s purity since it might disturb peace, even if he himself does not trust Parris. Hale’s reasoning is categorized as conventional since he wants to remain passive in order to be acceptedAnother character that acts in this fashion is Ezekiel Cheever. he says to John, “You know yourself I must do as I’m told”. Within this statement, we see that Cheever will do anything, even drag a friend’s wife to jail, to fit in with those around him. By compromising his morals to be seen as competent by his peers, it is clear that Cheever has a conventional way of thinking.By these examples you can see they all are pre-conventional. 

This essay has demonstrated how several characters in The Crucible acted in an odd and possibly perplexing way. Nevertheless, their logic has emerged by analysing a quotation from each character and dissecting their motivations. Kohlberg is therefore a great help to the reader in comprehending both the play and human nature in general. Giving a deeper understanding of the literature and people discovered within it is what this paper aimed to do. 

French 11 Movie Posters

For my poster I chose the movie “Minions Rise of Gru” I enjoyed having all the creative freedom considering I didn’t have a partner. I love art and being creative so this was a perfect assignment for me. Considering the circumstances I got to make all of the decisions and used creative thinking to achieve the final product I had envisioned. In the future I would have used yellow poser board instead of red to match the minions in the film be other than that i have the final product.

Positive Learner Identity 

In First peoples 11 I wrote an in class essay about an indigenous story we read. I had to manage my time wisely to be able to read the story, complete a writing organization sheet, complete the essay then finally proof reading in the matter of an hour. By having the skill of time management I was able to successfully accomplish the task in the matter of time I was given.

Core Competency Reflection 

I am a strong reader which helps me understand instructions and tasks easier in classes like Social Studies and Science.

Where the Blood Mixes

There are many examples within this literature that illustrate the character of Mooch. To begin, Mooch is a freeloader. Mooch will ask his friends for anything without guilt. Mooch’s friend was out fishing in the best fishing spot in town. He was armed with cold beers and nice fresh sandwiches. When mooch saw this he had no trouble asking for all the above. Due to what Mooch has experienced Mooches friends are hesitant to say no to him. In addition, mooch is incredibly strong. Mooch is a residential school survivor. He got taken away from his family and put into a strange, scary place at a young age. Due to what he has been through his friends are scared he may commit suicide like other residential school survivors in the past. His friend is concerned that he may jump off the town bridge like previous residential school survivors. He replies with “I walk across that bridge everyday” reassuring them that he is safe and stable. Lastly, Mooch has an addiction problem. Mooch was in the bar with his friends when he kept asking them for money to buy pull tabs and beer. “Come on guys just $5 for a beer”. When his friends disappoint, he takes money from his wife which never ends well. It is obvious from the evidence given that Mooch is a fighter.  

Japanese Internment Camps

In W.W.l.l. The Japanese were planning to attack Canada. Canada was terrified, they heard all about the Japanese killing and raping women and young girls. When the Japanese where on the way to Canada, Canada made the difficult decision to put all Japanese Canadians into internment camps because Canada was scared the Japanese Canadians weren’t loyal and that they would help the enemy. I don’t agree with what Canada did because they were not spies and they were loyal Canadian citizens. It’s not fair to assume that people are bad especially when they have done nothing wrong. I think they could have just closely monitored the Japanese Canadians. Canada took away innocent people’s homes, boats, businesses everything. They were not treated like humans they were treated like livestock. It’s our job as the next voters of Canada to make sure this kind of thing never happens again.

Core Compentencies

  •   I now understand that my identity is made up of many interconnected elements of Japanese-Canadian internment. 
  •     I now understand and can appreciate diverse perspectives on issues and can resolve problems effectively and responsibly. 
  •  I can now understand and tell, after examining the facts of the possible threat from Japanese-Canadians in Canada and the opinions of various people, the difference between fact and opinion.   

Curricular Competency


  • I did assess and explained the changes the Japanese-Canadians went through. In my research handout.  
  • did assess and explained the changes the non-Japanese-Canadians went through in my research handout.
  • I made an ethical judgement about the action of internment the Japanese-Canadians in my paragraph  

Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Collaboration and Creative Thinking Skills

Paper Quilling

I worked on my communication competency by working with the people around me, sharing our ideas and supplies. I also helped my friend with her paper quilling because she was having some trouble getting started. Next time I would make my flowers bigger because I really like the look and I would also improve on my time management. For my creative thinking I got creative with the flowers. I made up my own design not looking up any ideas. I’m really proud of the yellow and pink flower because I thought of the design myself. This is my favourite project so far. I love how it turned out and will be doing this in the future for gifts to friends and family

Science 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Collaboration through The Unknown Acid and Bases Lab

While doing the Unknown Acid and Bases Lab we had to work with a partner. We had to communicate and listen to each others ideas. We helped each other when needed and shared different tasks. If I got to do this lab agian I would want to work with even more acids and bases. We worked fast and efficiently by doing two things at once Ex: Cleaning the tweezers while the other partner gets more litmus paper.

My Utopian City



We value community in our town, as to show we have made a community center for citizens to gather and socialize. We also have plenty of flied space for outdoor community events. 


We have a large un-touched forest next to our town for animals in the area to live and for the citizens to breath clean and fresh air. Another thing that we have added is lots of flowers. We made sure to have animals on a farm so, the citizens have a sustainable food source along with the vegetable garden we have. This provides all the food for the town, so they do not have to rely on other places for food.  


We felt that safety was an important value for us while making our city. We wanted to make sure that it was a safe place for the citizens to live. To assure the towns safety we have installed a gate around to perimeter of the town. And in case of accidents, we have a hospital. 


We have multiple community gardens and ponds for our citizens. Where they can hang out and work together while gardening and fishing. Creating strong, long lasting friendships in our town. We also have a large fire pit for the citizens to enjoy. 


In our town we value education, to support that we have a school for all the children to attend so we can have a continuously evolving community. 

Colours and symbols: 

We have many flowers to symbolize happiness while also helping the environment. The community center is yellow to symbolize the sun and happiness and the warmth of the community. 

Communication Reflection

For our project we did it on Minecraft. Luckily, we both were already familiar with the program which made it easier for the both of us. We worked on our design mostly at home and communicated and shared our ideas thought massaging and in person. We did a great job on including both of our ideas and it wasn’t just one sided. I mostly worked on the values while my partner worked on the design but we both did everything. We didn’t waste any time getting to work and we both did our fair share. When one of us got tired of doing a task we switched. By doing this we could add our own touches to everything. I really like the final product of our city. I like how bright and colourful our city is. The only thing that I would change is making the buildings a bit bigger.