chemistry 11
Curricular Competency Explanation
A tritration is process where we use a concetrate of a known solution to determian the concetration of an unknown solution. The titration used for this certian lab is to use the data found while doing the tirtation to calculate the molarity of the hydrochloric acid. An endpoint of the tritation is where it is a solid bright colour, the equivelnce point is the middle ground where the colour is light. Once the endpoint as been achieved the colour change is permanent. The results of my tritaton were 0.11ml for all the intial volumes of NaOH, the final volume was 12.46ml for trail 2 and 12.45ml for trail 3. We uses 12.35ml of NaOH in trial 2 and 12.34ml NaOH trail 3. The average volume of NaOH achieved was 12.45ml. I calculated the molarity of HCl by figuring out the moles of NaOH then the intial moles of HCl, which gave me the molarity of 0.1245 HCl.
Core Competency Reflection
I can use evidence to make judgements or decisions evidence of the lab that we did. The notes I took in class help me accomplish my end results in the titration and allowed to to make decisions on whether or not I was getting closed to the end of tghe tritration or just making sure I had all the correct volumes meausred out. Critical thinking was a big part of this lab and so was collabration because we were working in two’s, this lab was also very tedious to do and needed patience.