Midsummer The Movie(sumarization)

My Movie

A powerpoint that is now a video

Character, Setting and Mood

I figured out the character’s identity markers by looking at what they said, did, and what the text said they liked to do or did. We figured out how our avatars would look by guessing (mostly). We would look at pictures of them online, then change a few things based on how old we thought they were or how they would look based on their professions. We also tried to base it off of greek people, but didn’t focus on that point. We also chose the option to make them look like marble statues, because they wouldn’t have mugshots of them, they’d make statues of them. To find the setting we looked through some of the scenes in the actual play, and for others we inferred (like where they went to discuss roles). We thought that the mood seemed confident and like they were having fun, while still being competitive. Performing plays seemed like a thing they liked to do, but it was also for money so we chose a variety of songs that matched these moods.

Core Competencies

  1. I work with others to achieve a goal – I worked with my group to create profiles for the people, find the settings and choose the music.

2. I can develop a body of creative work over time – My group and I were given a set amount of time to make an adaption of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and we have done this.

3. I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share – I did my share of the powerpoint

4. I can appreciate diverse perspectives on issues and can resolve problems respectfully and effectively – I listened to my groupmate’s ideas and helped to try and find the best option for us to use.


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