An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is the different parts of a story. The Introduction, Initiating Incident, Rising Action, Climax and Denouement.
When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I write out and expand on some of the ideas that I had come up with to help create space and ideas in my mind which could help develop the story.
Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are I have learned to brainstorm better. Before I didn’t usually brainstorm, I would just try to write, and that didn’t work very well. Now first I think of many ideas before I try writing them.
How have your experiences, family history, heritage and/or peers helped shape who you are today
These things have pretty much everything to do with who I am today. These things made me think and change my initial ideas about many things. This makes me have to change how I act. Many of the choices in life I have to make because of these things.
How do you make good decisions
I make good decisions by deciding what would be best for me and other people. Also, by seeing what worked in past experiences and looking at how that could make my choices better. I also ask if it’s just an impulse or something that I should do.
Describe something that you really liked in the work you did. What made it special for you?
I really liked the combination of designs on the top part and the bottom part. On the top there’s the more blocky design that was inspired by the monarch butterfly. The bottom is inspired by another random butterfly that I don’t know the name of and a cantaloupe. I also like the triple smiley faces.
What makes you unique
What makes me unique is my experiences, family history, heritage and people I’ve met and been friends with. This makes me different because my memories are different and also, the way that these things have made me think and act differently than other people.
I know that my digital footprint can have both positive consequences, like “meeting” in a sense new people, making new friends and getting new ideas. But it can also have negative consequences, like personal information being stolen, rumors being spread, people screenshotting personal information, organizations rejecting you and creating fights. I can adjust my actions so that my personal information is not posted and I avoid all the negatives consequences that I listed earlier.
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include, not having an account in which I can post stuff, not telling people I don’t know in real life information about myself like my name or city that I live in. I also try to limit my social media (mostly YouTube and Twitch) usage by trying to track my time on each app, then seeing if I am using it too much.
By not making mean comments online, I make a positive difference to my peers.
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are by trying to message them often and trying to find common interests with them.
Instead of trying to write the script and format it later, Kalani and I wrote the script in the correct format. To do this we would consult the script format document for each different part we were doing. For example, when we were writing the title, date and act we checked with the example script to make sure that we had set it in the right spot on the page and had it properly bolded or underlined. We did that same thing for the rest of our script. It somewhat effected how we wrote the stage directions/script as well, because we chose to just write the script in the correct format we wrote, and chose how we were going to do the stage directions before we wrote the next thing that they were going to say.
Core Competency – Collaboration
I can work with others to achieve a goal.
During this project I worked with a partner to create a small section of script that sounded more modern. We both contributed ideas and wrote lines to create this script.
I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.
Instead of splitting up the work and working on the script ourselves, Kalani and I worked on the script together. I wrote lines, as well as gave ideas and gave my thoughts on the lines Kalani wrote.
I can encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives.
When I came up with an idea for a line, I would check with Kalani before writing it down. I would also ask him if he wanted to add anything else to the line.
A Goal for Myself
I can apply constructive strategies to navigate misunderstandings and conflicts.
I am working on this goal because it is a useful skill to have in my life. There will always be misunderstandings and conflicts no matter where you are. If you are able to solve these then you and your team or group or family or set of office workers can work more efficiently and will be able to understand other’s point of view better.
To achieve this goal I will; communicate clearly, this will help remove any misunderstandings me and my peers may have, and I will try and look at both sides of the conflict, this will help in finding what the root of the conflict is and finding a solution for it.
1. My strengths as a soccer player contribute to my community (classroom, club, city, etc.) through/ because…
Through playing soccer I have learned that you need to be committed and work hard to improve. I have also learned how to work as a team and how to support others who need support.
Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include…
2. A long term goal for myself include going into some field of science as a job and my plan to achieve it is by working hard in science and figuring out what it is that I want to do specifically
I have taken the accelerated Science course so that I can take more science courses in the future. I also have worked hard in science to make sure that I understand everything and have good grades so I can go to post-secondary.
3. I understand that ethical decisions are rarely “black and white” and so I learn about what happened in the past to improve our ethics and to make sure that I make the best decisions for the most people.
By learning about different historical events, how people handled these things, and their causes and effects in Socials 9 so that I can make better decisions. This will help me spread good ideas and make good decisions on who I will vote for in the future.
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include running (sprinting and jogging) and also doing exercises.
By doing exercises that decrease my chances of injury, and running I can create a healthy lifestyle for myself while also doing something that I like to do.
There is a family who wants to plan out their dinners. They want to have a plan for; who’s cooking, when it will be done, how much of it there will be, and what will be made, for the whole week.
The cooking times are in yellow, and they are in the same column as the person cooking. (Ex. On Monday Parent A and Teen 2 are cooking from 5:15-5:45)
The Schedule #1
The Schedule #2
Who’s cooking
Parent A, Teen 2
Teen 1
Teen 2
Parent B
Parent A
What’s cooking
Meatballs and Rice
Beef and Spinach Lasagna
Black Bean Tortillas
Ginger glazed salmon and Rice
Leftover Lasagna
General Justification
Our plan will work because we have looked in detail at making sure that each day will work with everyone’s schedule, everyone had a chance to cook, and everyone who needed help cooking had help.
Portion : Makes 6 Meatballs Per person (1/2 the recipe) and 3/4 cup rice per person (full recipe)
Parent A gets home at 4:30, and doesn’t have anything after that, they can also cook anything. Teen 2 doesn’t have anything afterschool today and needs help cooking, so they can help Parent A with the rice and maybe the meatballs. It will be ready right after Parent B has come home and gotten settled in.
Portion : Makes 12 servings, they can eat up to 6 servings so that they will still have 1/2 the lasagna for Friday. (full recipe)
Parent A doesn’t get home until 5:30 again and Parent B doesn’t get home until 6 pm today, so we can get Teen 1 who is competent with cooking to cook lasagna. They can start at 3:45 and be done before Parent A gets home. Parent A is going to drive Teen 2 to soccer because they get home first, and they can both eat with lots of time before soccer practice so Teen 2 doesn’t get winded. There will also be leftovers because if each person has 1 serving there will be 8 servings left.
Portion : Makes 4 servings (full recipe)
Parent A gets home at 4:30 today and Parent B gets home at 5:30, and both teens get home at 3:30. No one has anything after this, and Teen 2 can learn from this experience. It only takes 15 minutes and is quite simple, they can also ask for help if needed.
Portion : 4, 6 oz. salmon fillets, and 3 cups rice
Parent A is getting home at 6 pm today, Parent B is getting home at 5:30 and Teen 2 (who needs help cooking) is home at 3:30, but Teen 1 (who can cook) is not home until 5:15, and they are going to need to clean up after their school day. So, Parent B can make dinner with the help of Teen 2 to speed up the process.
Portion : 6 servings of lasagna will be left
Teen 1 is not home until 9:30, so they’re not going to be able to cook. Parent B gets home at 5:30, Parent A at 4:30 and also, Teen 2 cannot/is not comfortable using the oven, and so they can’t heat it up. That leaves it to Parent A who can put it in the oven as soon as Parent B gets home for a quick dinner.
My group communicated quite well I would say. We had a specific way to plan meals for each day and were pretty much always working on something. We shared the information by putting it on our word document
To plan the meals we used a Word document that we shared with each other. We had already done this before. We also used google to search for a recipe.
As for tasks, we just volunteered ourselves for different tasks and tried give everyone an even workload. We all helped to chose who would cook on what day. Gwen and I chose the recipes and people and Yiseo calculated the times and portions. On the document I put the time it would take and wrote justifications for each day (above).
Hi, I’m Micah, and I go to the same school as all of you, Centennial. Some things that I like doing are, playing soccer and ultimate frisbee, reading, watching movies, and playing video games. Some of my favorite movies are the Lord of the Rings, and the Marvel series. One of my favorite classes is Science. I like it because you can see the things you learn in day-to-day life. I also just find it interesting. I also like PE. I like it because it is a chance to try out different sports and have fun, its also a nice break from the other classes. I usually play centre midfield in soccer because 1. I’m pretty good at it and 2. I enjoy it, you see lots of the ball and there’s lots of action. I think that my friends would call me quiet and thoughtful (I’ve never thought about how my friends think of me, the irony). I’m kind of like a jack-of-all-trades. I can learn in pretty much any way, and am pretty good at most courses, as well as being pretty athletic. I recently (not really like a year ago) switched from console gaming to “laptop” (PC) gaming. I play Minecraft and Valorant. I’m only Iron 3 in Valorant but its still fun. I also work realllllly slowly on some things, (like this one). It took me about 3/4 of an hour to write this. Pain.