For my face I used many ellipses, hyperbolae and a couple circles. I also found a way to make the edges of an ellipse “sharp” (increase the degree of the y or x), to make the two teeth. I also stretched my face, which made me look a bit different. I left some of the lines different colours so you can see where the graphs were to show my thought process in how to build the graphs.
I conducted an experiment on rice sprouting/germination in a high CO2 environment. This required that I communicate effectively in my my lab report, which shows how I did the following prompt:
I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.
In this project me and my partner had to communicate on how we would complete the experiment as well as the principals behind our procedures and why they worked/were necessary. We had to be very clear as to what it was that the procedure was, because a good lab needs to be repeatable to confirm the results.
Profile 3 – I can ask questions and consider options. I can use my observations, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions and make judgments. I can ask open-ended questions, explore, and gather information. I experiment purposefully to develop options. I can contribute to and use criteria. I use observation, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions, make judgments, and ask new questions. I can describe my thinking and how it is changing. I can establish goals individually and with others. I can connect my learning with my experiences, efforts, and goals. I give and receive constructive feedback.
I think that this shows my level of critical thinking well. I have shown that I can describe my thinking during our discussion postings. I have responded to other’s postings, which necessitates that I explain my thinking clearly in ways that other people understand.
I especially demonstrated critical thinking during the logarithms test by thinking about logarithms in different ways. (I applied my prior knowledge of exponents to this new function to help understand logs). I also had to use my knowledge of previous word problems to help me solve word problems in each of the new units, as it’s much easier if you apply prior skills and strategies to do something, than just doing it for the first time.
I think a major part of critical thinking being able to break down problems and identify the different parts so that you can address part well. This is effective as small problems are easier to solve than large ones.
I applied strategies that I used from other word problems to find an equation I could use to find the side lengths
Something for me to work on would be my personal responsibility. I do not have consistent or very good study habits. I also tend to procrastinate on things sometimes. I am acutely aware of these problems I have directly after I have done them, but that I forget about (and forget how much I dislike doing them) while I am doing them and trying to do homework. It not only can impact my grades and learning, but it can eat away at time spent on productive and meaningful endeavors. I have to find ways to break this problem down into little bits using my self-proclaimed critical thinking.
During the lab me and Brandon displayed the communication core competency. We displayed the communication by delegating tasks to each other so that we both knew what we had to do for the lab to be completed. We also communicated after the lab to spread out the cleaning duties and to make sure that we both had all of the data for all of the boxes in the table.
I used the Thinking Competency, and more specifically the critical and reflective thinking part of this competency during and after our Cell Membrane diffusion lab.
During the lab I made a hypothesis about which molecules would diffuse. To make a good educated guess I had to critically think about which molecules in the solutions were big and not likely to fit through the microscopic holes in the semi-permeable membrane.
After the lab I had to think reflectively to make my conclusion. I reflected on what could have been done better in the lab, any changes we could make in the lab and anything that could make the lab more effective in helping me understand different mathematical applications to the principals of diffusion in the lab. I also thought critically to provide and explain the points that supported and did not support the hypotheses that I made.
During our titration lab I demonstrated the core competency: communication. In the lab I collaborated with my partner. We set up different parts of the lab and each washed out one of the measuring devices (pipette and buret). We also took turns filling the pipette and adding drops of the NaOH into the Erlenmeyer Flask. During the lab we also collaborated to calculate a few things like how much NaOH we used and at what volume of NaOH should we add drops and half-drops, instead of pouring the NaOH fast. We also collaborated on cleaning up.
The final thing we collaborated on was the post-lab questions. We checked with each other to make sure that we were doing them correctly.
One of the core competencies that me and my partner showed when we did our script was presenting. This is part of the Communicating Core Competency. We presented our ideas to each other then presented the our skit to the teacher. This is a very important Core Competency to learn because in life you will need to present many different things in your life to other people. Some people’s job is literally just presentation (teaching being an example).
What are some insights or thins that stood out to you from John Henderson’s talk? Were there any connections you made to Rita Joe’s I Lost My Talk? Are there any other thoughts you now have in relation to TRC or Orange Shirt Day?
One of the main things that stood out to me were how he and his classmates/friends stood up to the people that were abusing them at night. It was inspiring to hear him standing up that man even though they got punished for it. I also didn’t realize that children were actually kidnapped and brought to residential schools, I thought that they notified the parents then took them. It was also pretty cool that he got a police officer to listen to what happened to them at residential school when he tried to run away. The police officer believed him and even told the Indian Agent, who on the other hand did not believe John.
There were quite a few similarities between I Lost My Talk? and John Herdman’s story. They both lost their language from these schools. Residential school also messed up/destroyed their lives afterwards, John wasn’t even accepted back into his community because he went even though it wasn’t his fault that he attended residential school.
I plan on being an active listener. In class sometimes I am not fully focused on what the teacher is saying. I have realized that this makes it harder for me to remember what we did in class and sometimes I miss very important points or even due dates. I plan on doing my work after the teacher is done speaking and not going on my phone or laptop while they’re speaking either.
I plan on figuring out how I learn the best. I know that I can learn quite well in a few ways but I am not completely sure in which way I learn the best. For example, as I mentioned in my goal before this, I learn better when I hear what’s going on, but I’m not sure if that’s just because the teacher is giving more information while speaking, than is on the handouts. I plan on figuring this out by trying a variety of different study methods this year.
I plan on communicating more clearly and purposefully. I’ve noticed that when in a group I have the tendency to sometimes make my ideas vague and therefore pretty much pointless. I also have noticed that I speak quite quietly. So this year I will think about how I can present my ideas more clearly before I speak and speak louder and more clearly.
I figured out the character’s identity markers by looking at what they said, did, and what the text said they liked to do or did. We figured out how our avatars would look by guessing (mostly). We would look at pictures of them online, then change a few things based on how old we thought they were or how they would look based on their professions. We also tried to base it off of greek people, but didn’t focus on that point. We also chose the option to make them look like marble statues, because they wouldn’t have mugshots of them, they’d make statues of them. To find the setting we looked through some of the scenes in the actual play, and for others we inferred (like where they went to discuss roles). We thought that the mood seemed confident and like they were having fun, while still being competitive. Performing plays seemed like a thing they liked to do, but it was also for money so we chose a variety of songs that matched these moods.
Core Competencies
I work with others to achieve a goal – I worked with my group to create profiles for the people, find the settings and choose the music.
2. I can develop a body of creative work over time – My group and I were given a set amount of time to make an adaption of AMidsummer Night’s Dream and we have done this.
3. I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share – I did my share of the powerpoint
4. I can appreciate diverse perspectives on issues and can resolve problems respectfully and effectively – I listened to my groupmate’s ideas and helped to try and find the best option for us to use.