Sara's Blog

My Centaurs Digital Portfolio


Math self Assessment

Self-Assessment Prompts

What is your strength in group work? How do you use this to actively contribute during group work activities?

Being able to communicate with others is a quality I bring to group work, as I make it a point to discuss approaches to mathematical issues with my group members. Even if there are moments when I don’t fully get what is being taught in class, it’s comforting to know that I can ask my group members to clarify any concepts I don’t understand. I participate in work activities by continually questioning about our work. This not only gets everyone in the group talking about the issue, but it also offers me an opportunity to understand the question.

what does it mean to be disciplined in math

Being disciplined in math means devoting all of your attention to figuring out and solving mathematical problems. It requires constant practice, patience, and time, as there are times when it can become challenging. A disciplined student would pay attention to details and how they could organize their work, which persists through mathematical problems. This means more than memorizing formulas; it also means developing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, such as factoring algebra and quadratic functions, and the ability to use them effectively. As such, it’s important to be disciplined in math to succeed.


Core Competency Self-Assessment: food studies

critical-thinking communication abilities I showed my ability to communicate in class by offering to assist a fellow student whenever I could. I was quite nervous at first when I was around all of my new classmates, but now I feel more at ease. While I typically work with a collaborator in the lab, I prefer to be more independent when cooking or baking, so I never have to. I gained experience working with various people in these labs, but I still favor working alone.


eggs benedict

This is one example where I worked with my classmate to complete it. The ends result was delicious


Core Competency Self-Assessment

critical/reflective thinking (Short story project)

short story.docx (

My short story’s core competency is critical thinking because the inspiration of my story is too much of a good thing. It got inspired by the story of the monkey’s paw. The Monkeys’ Paw is a short story written by W.W. Jacobs. The Monkey’s Paw is a story about taking wishes for granted, and in the end, they pay the price for it. The characters are Mr. and Mrs. White, and their sons, Herbert and Sargent Major Morris. Sergeant-Major Morris explains that the paw will grant any three wishes. However, both Morris and the owner before him regret using the paw. Mr. White wishes for money to pay off the mortgageā€¦ The distraught Whites then wish to revive their son, only to reverse the wish upon realizing the potential implications.

For my story, I increased my critical thinking. It is a different setting than the monkey’s paw, and the back story of the cursed object and how it works is also different from the monkey’s paw. Mr. Smith, the main character of my story, was a well-known billionaire until he lost it all, ending up on the streets of London. While in the streets, he meets an old man who owns a kiosk. The two of them make a trade: Mr. Smith’s penny for a good luck charm. The kiosk owner tells him to choose his swishes wisely and not out of greed. After the encounter with the kiosk owner, Mr. Smith wins the lottery just by “luck”. At the end of the story, his good luck turns to bad after using the good luck charm daily, abusing its power. Mr. Smith ends up on the streets of London once again. There he encounters the kiosk owner. He then offers the penny back to Mr. White (he agrees).

When I first thought of this story, I decided to keep the message the same meaning as mine, but add more ideas to include with my story. These ideas required a lot of time and critical thinking.

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