June 20 2024

My Inquiry About Time Travel

Inquiry Reflection:

– I stayed up till 1am, getting all the animations done the night before. I added more slides since my first presentation.  

– I actually had fun presenting my inquiry.  

– I’m glad that at least three people found the animations helpful. As I’ve mentioned before, pictures help me understand things.  

– Time travel is hard to explain without drawing diagrams, so my first idea was to have a whiteboard behind me, and I draw things in real time. Then I figured out how to draw and animate on powerpoint, so I used that instead. I think that was a good idea because then I wouldn’t have to worry about thinking what I’m drawing next.  

– I forgot to bring my Time-Turner necklace and my mini telescope, but that’s ok. I had the TARDIS and Flux Capacitor models.  

– While presenting, I tried to not speak quickly, because I usually talk very fast when I’m talking about something I’m passionate about.  

Core Competencies:

Communication – Making the animations to explain
Creativity – The topic of time travel.
April 17 2024

Drafting and Design 11 Self Assessment


This is is the birdhouse assignment. It was to get us familiar with the controls in Fusion360. I added a flower because I wanted to.

Core Competency Stuff:

Creative Thinking – Making a flower, then mirroring it so it’s on both sides of the roof.

Communication – I understood the assignment, and if I was stuck, I would look for help in YouTube tutorials. The next step would be to ask for help.

Critical Thinking – “I can experiment with different ways of doing things”
January 22 2024

Social Dynamics In Tabletop Role Playing Games 11 Edublog

The Class:

I 3D printed a lizard dude. 2 to be more accurate. Also a dragon. We tried printing 2 different dragons, but the second one didn’t go so well and was hard to get out of the supports. Luckily the wings were intact when I got them out. So I super-glued the wings from the second dragon onto the first. Then we painted the figures with small brushes. This was a fun class, though wasw actually helpful because we worked on working with other people in random groups. The End.
June 15 2023

Core Competency Self Assessment #2 – Computer Programming 11


This assignment is called “Turtle Game”, and for it, we made a game using the Turtle module. After watching and copying the videos to make this assignment, I wanted to take it a bit further. But first I’ll explain what the basic part of it does.

You use the arrow keys to control the little blue triangle, your spaceship, the left and right to change the angle, and the up and down to change the speed. As you move around your spaceship, you’re trying to hit the pink circles. Those are “space anomalies” (because I had no idea what to name them). While you are doing this, a black hole floats around. If you hit a space anomaly, you get 10 points. If the black hole hits you, you lose 10 points. Those are displayed at the top corners of the screen (the overall total of things hit is at the bottom). Oh, and whenever you hit something, it bounces to another random spot on the screen and then continues to float in a random direction.

Right, then there’s the modifications I added. So the black hole is actually something I thought of, I though it should be a bit more interesting than just floating around. Also, after an amount of time, the screen changes and shows a percentage. This is based on how many space anomalies you hit out of the total number of things hit.

During this assignment, we worked with “classes”, new things that are a bit confusing. Instead of naming a turtle (I’ve been naming mine after Doctor Who characters, trying to see how long it’ll take the teacher to notice. Rose, Mickey, Donna, Martha, Amy, Vincent, Rory, River, Melody, and Clara so far), we just call it “self” and that means that turtle within that class. Anyways, that was new and was a slight problem when I was playing around with stuff and changing some things.

“I Can Statements”:

I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area I’m interested in or passionate about
(Creative Thinking)

I can usually make my ideas work…
(Creative Thinking)

I can monitor my progress and adjust my actions to make sure I achieve what I want
(Critical Thinking)
April 18 2023

Core Competency Self Assessment – Computer Programming 11

Flowers. In a flower pot. Made with Turtle, coded in Python.


One of the assignments, the “flower field, wasn’t working. For this assignment, we had to copy some of the teacher’s code, and then write some of our own to make the turtle draw flowers at random positions. At first, the flowers were being drawn outside the screen, which didn’t make sense. So I played around with the buffer sizes until it looked ok to me. Another problem I ran into was when I asked the computer to make 4 flowers, it made 16. For some reason, it squared the number of how many flowers I wanted. So I compared the teacher’s code and mine, and it turns out I added a random line that she didn’t have. That’s fixed now. I think I did pretty good on this assignment overall. 1) it works. 2) I added flower stems and a flower pot to be a bit more creative.

“I Can” Statements:

I can experiment with different ways of doing things
(Critical Thinking)
I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area I’m interested in or passionate about
(Creative Thinking)
I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries
(Creative Thinking)
February 22 2023

IDS Inquiry Reflection

This is a picture of LEGO vehicles I have constructed to make my final IDS project.

Inquiry Question:

My IDS project started out as something along the lines of “what frames per second is good for what LEGO stop motion scene?” Because you guys have decided that the IDS has to contribute something to the community, I am making a little video on people not stopping at stop signs. I chose this topic because it is something I have noticed, and it is something that needs to change.

Time Management:

Ha. “Time management.” Actually, at home, I have started making cars and other props I need to film. Though, instead of filming the stop sign video, I made one about finals. During CENT time, I either study or sketch out a plan of what I am going to do for my IDS.


So far I have used 0 resources. The makerspace is helpful for being in a quiet place, away from people.


Motivation. But when I do find motivation, I’ll work on the IDS project for like 5 hours straight.

Core Competencies

You must know by now, I don’t care about core competencies.

Share IDS Project

I am going to make a PowerPoint that will show the journey/evolution of my stop motion videos, ending with some slides taking about stop signs, and finishing with the final video. I think I’m on track. When I get home, I’ll start the layout/outline of the PowerPoint and start filling it in with what I have so far.


I have no idea. Probably not.
January 20 2023

Conics Project Desmos Self-Portrait

A picture of me I made on desmos, using different equations of parabolas, circles, hyperbolas…

How I Made This:

For my self portrait, I started with an elipse for the face. I put the elipse over the y=6, so I had a center line that I could use (with some math) to make a symmetrical self portrait. Why 6? because I didn’t like the thick 0 lines. Anyways, then I made the eyes. I used 2 parabolas for the eye shape, 2 circles for the iris and the pupil, and 1 more circle with a ton of restrictions for the glare on the eye. Next I made the nose, which is made out of 1 hyperbola, 4 circles, and a parabola. Since we need at least 1 hyperbola, I decided to make that the main part of the nose. Then I did the ears. The ears are 2 ellipses, nothing too complecated. Both ears have 2 earrings each which I added in later. You can only see the first pair of circles in the picture, but if you zoom in in the desmos graph, you can see a square paired with a line (what I usually wear). For some reason, I didn’t spend a lot of time on the mouth. The mouth is a parabola with the line thickness set at 8 instead of 2. I played around with some parabolas to create the hair. The darker part is 2 overlapping parabolas, except to the power of 100, not 2, so the area would be wide enough and a mostly square shape. The lighter lines are part of a sin wave. I didn’t want to make a bunch of x= somethings, so I made a really squished sin wave by multiplying the x in the equation by 40. After that, I made the body. The neck is another hyperbola, and the sweatshirt is made of parabolas and lines. When I was writing the equations for the sweatshirt, instead of y=, I used E= with E having a different subscript number each time. This helped simplify things when I used inequalities (<>) to fill in the area with colour. The only problem was that none of the restrictions could have y. The eyebrows I made next are a total of 4 parabolas, 2 circles, and 2 lines. I tried to get the the same width apart, but you might notice that the left is slightly higher than the right. This is because I couldn’t flip a parabola to a mirror image, I could only make it move left or right. Then there is the hat, mostly made of parabolas. Because I couldn’t figure out how to fill in the hat, I cheated a bit. I made a table with points on the graph. Then I made a polygon from that table. I was then able to drag the points wherever, and then fill in the area inbetween. Overall, the only thing I traced was the maple leaf and the outline of the hat. The End.
January 20 2023

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

This is a picture of the Extended Metaphor Assignment. For this assignment, we were to find a piece of nature that is a metaphor of life.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

For this assignment we learned how in some First Nations texts, they use nature to represent different struggles and victories through life. Going up a steep hill is difficult, representing the struggle to get past an obstacle. But there is the flat bit at the top of the hill, once we’ve gotten past the obstacle, for us to relax and go back to enjoying life.

Core Competencies Reflection

Thinking – During this assignment, I had to think outside the box in order to find some creative metaphors for a river representing life.
January 4 2023

Core Competency Self Assesment – Pre-Cal


*whiteboard filled with notes. the green pen died so we stole a black one temporarily*
During class me and my partner will look over each other‘s notes and make sure that we have all the notes for the from the video for the class. While doing the questions we both contribute for the answers. I usually do the writing and we both like go over the questions together like how to solve them so we are both able to do the questions independently on the test.