June 23 2022

Electronics 10 Reflection Thing

This is a picture of the LED cube i made. I decided to have no top on the box so I can easily acess the board, and it looks like it’s floating in the dark.

Skills I Learned:

Though I didn’t use it in my code, I learned how to use “void ___ () {}”. Using this, you can have all your code on the bottom half of the document, and just have a simple “___();” in place of that long code. At the begining, this made it easier to see what each pattern was doing, because I could also label each void stuff like “cornerSpinCC”. (CC standing for counter clockwise)

What Worked:

As usual, nothing worked first try. Eventually, I changed A6 to A4, to make that column of LEDs work. For the code, I was able to figure out that you have to use 1 for off and 0 for on to make the LEDs turn on. The box worked fine, and fits, but I had to draw the Enterprise instead of using the vector, because Shutterstock is stupid.

What I Would Do Differently:

I’m not really sure. I think everything went pretty decently.
May 5 2022

Core Competency Self Assesment – CLE


*a picture of a jenga tower, each block also has numbers on them*

This is supposed to be a picture of an activity I participated in.

For this activity, 3 of us were to play jenga… with a twist. Each block had a number on it, and depending on the number, we would answer an interview related question.

The collaberating quote that fits the best would be I contribute during group activities, cooperate with others, and listen respectfully to their ideas. I can work with others for a specific purpose.

One of the skills used was being able to listen to others and wait patiently for my turn. those skills are important because listening to people can allow you to learn new things about them, and waiting patiently is good to practice so even if you don’t find something someone is talking about interesting, you can at least look like you’re understanding what they are saying.
March 1 2022

Core Competency Self Assesment – Physics


*a picture of me with a piece of paper, talking to a classmate about how to graph velocity vs time*

or maybe just a picture of the lab… you decide

During the labs, specifically the Acceleration Lab, I talked (collaberated, if you want bigger words) to 2 people sitting near me, and compared our labs . Doing this, we were communication to eachother, discussing our work, which is why this self assesment is titled “Communication.”

This connects to the communication core competency because I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I asked questions towards other people, instead of sitting there and figuring it out later. I can also communicate with others and share my ideas so that we both achieve a common goal.

For skills I gained, I became a bit more comfortable asking classmates questions about what we’re working on.