November 18 2022

Core Competency Self Assesment – Chemistry 12

this is a picture of different amounts of Pb(NO3)2, KI, and distilled H2O (water) mixed together to form precipitates. PbI2.


Me and my partner were able to successfully work together to complete this lab. We were able to communicate and collaberate during this lab and others. For this lab, my partner poured the KI into the Pb(NO3)2 and H2O, and I took the pictures.
November 10 2022

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

This is a picture of the Imagery Write In Class Assignment. For this, we looked at a picture, then had to write as if we were there. The goal was to paint a picture with words, of a place we haven’t been.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Despite missing the class this was taught, I was able to create and communicate my ideas to complete the assignment pretty decent-ly. To help me with this assignment, I pictured what it was like at a beach i’ve been to. I wrote about that beach and added some trees. I was able to write in all 5 senses, which helped better describe the scene.

Core Compitencies Reflection

The core compitency for this assignment was “thinking.” During this assignment, I was thinking on how to describe the scene the way the teacher wanted. I was able to fix this problem by imagining that I’m in the picture, narrating stuff in first-person.

October 28 2022

Core Competency Self Assesment – Law 12

Critical and Reflective Thinking:

Should our criminal justice system be more punitive or rehabilitative? Why? I think it should be more rehabilitative, or at least less punitive. I think that some of the sentences are than they should be for a small offence. It’s also expensive to supply prisons, so if we rehabilitate people, then there’ll be less money spent on prisons. I know that the money would go to the rehabilitating, but to me, that’s better than making harsher sentences, making there be more people in prison.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. During the Unit Test and the “How The Grinch Stole Law Class” assignment, we had to read something and then find the evidence within the paragraph, in order to figure out and decide what someone was guilty of.
September 18 2022

Core Competency Goals

I have no idea what type of picture to put here, so here’s a LEGO me that I use for stop motion animation.

I am so curious about ___, that I am excited to learn more about how I could use ___ to make it even better:

I am so curious about creating stop motion animation movies, that I am excited to learn more about how I could use different filming techniques to make it even better. I like to make stop motion animation mini movies with LEGO. something I’m working on is copying a movie trailer, but also trying to get different camera angles. My goal is to create two videos of the same trailer, one with matching shots, and the other with my own camera angles.

Goal 2:

I’m not sure what core competency this falls under. Anyways, my second goal is to turn in homework on time. More specifically, I am trying to get work done before the day it’s due. I need to work on this because this assignment here is due today at 3pm, and it is currently 2:13pm.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include:

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include searching on the internet for information, reading books that involve similar topics, and looking through past projects and assignments. My goal is to remember these resources, and use them more often to complete future assignments.
June 23 2022

Electronics 10 Reflection Thing

This is a picture of the LED cube i made. I decided to have no top on the box so I can easily acess the board, and it looks like it’s floating in the dark.

Skills I Learned:

Though I didn’t use it in my code, I learned how to use “void ___ () {}”. Using this, you can have all your code on the bottom half of the document, and just have a simple “___();” in place of that long code. At the begining, this made it easier to see what each pattern was doing, because I could also label each void stuff like “cornerSpinCC”. (CC standing for counter clockwise)

What Worked:

As usual, nothing worked first try. Eventually, I changed A6 to A4, to make that column of LEDs work. For the code, I was able to figure out that you have to use 1 for off and 0 for on to make the LEDs turn on. The box worked fine, and fits, but I had to draw the Enterprise instead of using the vector, because Shutterstock is stupid.

What I Would Do Differently:

I’m not really sure. I think everything went pretty decently.
May 5 2022

Core Competency Self Assesment – CLE


*a picture of a jenga tower, each block also has numbers on them*

This is supposed to be a picture of an activity I participated in.

For this activity, 3 of us were to play jenga… with a twist. Each block had a number on it, and depending on the number, we would answer an interview related question.

The collaberating quote that fits the best would be I contribute during group activities, cooperate with others, and listen respectfully to their ideas. I can work with others for a specific purpose.

One of the skills used was being able to listen to others and wait patiently for my turn. those skills are important because listening to people can allow you to learn new things about them, and waiting patiently is good to practice so even if you don’t find something someone is talking about interesting, you can at least look like you’re understanding what they are saying.
March 1 2022

Core Competency Self Assesment – Physics


*a picture of me with a piece of paper, talking to a classmate about how to graph velocity vs time*

or maybe just a picture of the lab… you decide

During the labs, specifically the Acceleration Lab, I talked (collaberated, if you want bigger words) to 2 people sitting near me, and compared our labs . Doing this, we were communication to eachother, discussing our work, which is why this self assesment is titled “Communication.”

This connects to the communication core competency because I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I asked questions towards other people, instead of sitting there and figuring it out later. I can also communicate with others and share my ideas so that we both achieve a common goal.

For skills I gained, I became a bit more comfortable asking classmates questions about what we’re working on.
February 11 2021

How To Use Capitalization

Sheila (me), Riley, and Issa made this infographic about when to capitalize letters for our English 9 class.

Communication Reflection:

For English 9, our first project was: get into a trio and make a presentation about a form of punctuation. My group and I made our project an infographic, using a cite called Canva, about how to use capitalization. For this, we communicated using teams and discord. I collected notes and typed everything into sentences, Riley made the infographic and collected notes, and Issa didnt really contribute to the project. I think that we used the time efficiently, but we didn’t really work well in a group together. When deciding the background colour of the infographic, we did a “majourity rules.” The problem that we faced was Issa didnt want to help collect notes. He only wanted to make the infographic green. The project did turn out pretty decent in the end, though. Next time, I could improve by working by myself.
