Edublog Post Assignment Art Studio 10-12

Core Competency 1

Q: I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence is that is…

A: I chose this prompt because I believe I am great at using feedback and critiques to improve my work. When someone gives me feedback, I listen carefully and think about how I can use it. I review my work and make changes to fix mistakes or meet expectations. For example, I edit writing or art pieces to make them clearer or follow specific rules or expectations my art teacher has set. If a project needs improvement, I focus on making it better step by step. I value feedback because it helps me grow and learn. Critiques help me to see what I can do differently next time. I take time to understand what is needed and how to apply it. My art teacher Ms Yee always gives helpful critiques/feedback and I appreciate it because it makes my artwork better. I also enjoy getting feedback because I like learning from others and improving my skills, whether that be learning from their mistakes, or listening to their strengths. This shows I can adapt and always aim to do my best.

Core Competency 2

Q: Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…

A: Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen when I ask questions or ask for help in art class. When I don’t understand something, I ask clear questions so I can get the right answers. I explain what I need help with in a simple way so other classmates or my teacher knows how to help me. If I’m having trouble with a task, I tell others what the problem is so they can help me fix it, or help me understand better. I listen carefully to their answers to make sure I understand. When I ask for help, I always thank the person for their support. I do this because it is important to let them know you are thankful for their help. Asking clear questions helps me get the help I need faster. This is also something I am still working on because I feel like I can do everything on my own and I don’t need help, but sometimes I do and that’s okay. I have gotten way better at asking for help when I need it. Asking questions eliminates mistakes and confusion. So when I ask questions this shows I can communicate clearly to solve problems. Whether talking in person or through emails, I always try to be clear. This helps me get things done better and leaves little room for error in my art projects/assignments.

Core Competency 3

Q: When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…

A: When I need to boost my mood or re-focus in art class I put my headphones on and listen to music while I work. Music helps me clear my mind and stay focused on the task at hand. It keeps me motivated and helps me relax, so I can be more productive. Whether it’s calm music or something upbeat, it gives me the energy I need to keep going. Listening to music helps me feel better and work more efficiently. It blocks out distractions and helps me stay in the zone so I can get the work done. I find that music improves my mood and makes the work feel less stressful. It also helps me think more clearly and come up with new ideas for art projects/assignments. Overall, music is my go-to tool to stay focused and feel good while working, not just in art class but in every class.

English 12 Writing: Self- Reflection

Curricular Respons

Q: Explain how this paragraph reflects both the strengths and the weaknesses in your writing. For example, what in this paragraph is good writing that you will continue to make sure you do, and then what about this paragraph is something you might change in order to improve your writing?

A: This paragraph highlights both the strengths and weaknesses in my writing. One strength is that it’s well-organized and follows a clear structure, making it easy for the reader to understand the main ideas. I also used specific examples and quotes to back up my points and ideas. These are things I want to continue doing because they make my work more engaging and effective. However, there are areas where I could improve. Some of my sentences are too long or overly complicated, which might make it harder for readers to follow along. In the future, I would focus on simplifying my sentences and making sure there are no run-on sentences, but also making sure I am still getting my point across.

Core Competency Self-Reflection

Q: What will be one or two of your top priorities in the coming weeks for these last few writing assignments we will be doing in English 12? Think not only about the finished product of your writing but also about the process you will use or change when you approach these writing assignments.

A: In the coming weeks, my top priorities for our final writing assignments in English 12 will be making sure I don’t use run-on sentences and keeping my essays shorter. I want to work on writing sentences that are clear and not too long, so they don’t confuse the reader. To do this, I’ll make sure each sentence focuses on just one idea and use punctuation carefully to break up longer thoughts. I also want to make my essays shorter by taking out words, sentences, or ideas that aren’t really needed. This way, I can make my writing more focused and easier to read. To help with this, I plan to spend more time editing and revising my work after I finish the first draft or after I finished writing the whole essay. I want to read over my work carefully each and every time. These changes will help me create essays that is more clear, to the point, and more enjoyable for others to read.

Where The Blood Mixes

There are many examples within the literature that illustrate the character of Mooch. Mooch can be viewed as a complicated character. To start, Mooch is an alcoholic, “he is always in the bar drinking with Floyd”. Mooch spends loads of time sitting at the bar with a drink in his hand. Not having enough money to support himself because he spends every dime on liquor. When mooch decides to go to the bar he uses his partner’s money. “Mooch steals money from June’s money jar. This act makes Mooch an un-loyal partner towards June. Lastly, Mooch can be considered a character that has many problems. ‘Mooch has past trauma from the residential schools”. This is evident when Mooch expresses his visions in the residential schools. He talks about being physically, sexually, and psychologically abused. In conclusion, Mooch has many issues that he has trouble expressing in healthy ways.  

Research Assignment Reflection

Q: I can ask open-ended questions to gather information

A: During the researcher assignment I was able to show that I can ask open-ended questions and gather beneficial information to help my group. I demonstrated this by doing some research based on my topic and talking with my group to come up with an open-ended question. The question that I came up with is “Does having breakfast in the morning actually affect your day-to-day life?”. To come up with this question I had to gather some information and ideas. Once I had an idea of what I wanted my open-ended question to be, I went over it with my group to make sure everyone liked it and was okay with it.

Core Competency Assignment


Q- How do you show that you were listening thoughtfully? In what ways did your listening contribute to the group’s understanding.

A- Ways I portray my listening skills is by completing the work booklets assigned to us. By doing my homework it demonstrates that I am understanding the topic smoothly, and that I am interested in what we are learning. If we are doing group work, I will share my thoughts and opinions to my group member/s, and by doing that, I show that I am listening thoroughly and thoughtfully, and contributing to my group. For example, I did a podcast for my group project on WW1, and I was able to complete that project because I have completed all the work booklets we had to do as a class previously. When doing the podcast I showed my listening skills by being engaged in the conversation me and my partner worked out together. We used what we learned in class and put it in our podcast.

Family Project

Core Competency Assessment

Core Competence reflection

I can tell what is important to me and explain my values. My family is very important to me and they teach me so much. They taught me that family is the most important thing.

I preserve with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals and learning behavior. I did this by not procrastinating and taking my time on this family project. I put in my time and made it the best I can.

I work to inform myself about issues surrounding me. I did this in my family project by realizing I did not have the information I need to be able to get the mark I want, so I informed myself about what I was missing and went back and fixed it.

I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior. I demonstrated this in my family project by making sure the photos I choose to put in my “Mi Familia” was okay with the person. I also made sure everyone was in my PowerPoint so everyone felt included.

My Goal

I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others. This is something I need to work on because I would want someone to do this to me if I was struggling. I have a hard time explaining myself sometimes, and I can’t stick up for myself, and especially for others. This is something that is important to me and I hope I can complete this goal.

Core Competency Self-Reflection: Career 10

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I… I try to introduce myself and show my new group members the type of person I am. I also try to make my other members feel welcomed and able to speak their minds and it not be awkward. I do this because I would hope some people would do this to me.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I… I go on walks to clear my mind. I have always gone on walks when I feel stressed out or unfocused, and it really helps me.

When I am sad, angry, or frustrated, doing things like taking breaks and talking to family helps me be more productive or calm. I have a hard time focusing and staying on task, so breaks are important, to make sure I finish what I need to get done.


one goal I have for this new year is not to procrastinate. I am a big procrastinator and it really affects how much work I am able to get done in time. If I was able to start my work earlier I would not be as stressed out from having to do lots of homework last minute.

Linear Equation Word Problem

Skylar Mackenzie

A construction worker charges an hourly rate plus a fixed amount. 2 hours cost $105, and 5 hours cost $255.

A) Determine the hourly rate

B) Write an equation that shows the total cost depends on the number of hours and the fixed cost.

C) Whats the fixed cost


A) Hourly rate is $50

B) C= 50H+B

C) Fixed cost is $5


Tell me where your inspiration for this problem came from. Why did you choose that particular image? Did you draw it yourself? If not, where did you get it from?

The inspiration for this project came from my uncle being a construction worker, and being around construction every day. I choose this picture because I feel that it shows the amount of work they put into their jobs every day. I did not draw this picture, I got it from google( construction worker – Bing images)

Where did you gather information from in order to make sure that the numbers you chose were realistic? How did you make sure that your calculations would work out?

I know that it seems like $50 an hour is a lot for construction workers, but some of the best construction workers can make that much. I am going for the most skilled ones and the ones that do the most work, that’s why they get paid 50$ an hour. I got my information from the internet and some family members. I made sure my calculations were correct, by doing the question I made.