This picture shows the Piggy Dissection Lab I did in Anatomy & Physiology 12.
This picture shows the Blood Lab I did in Anatomy & Physiology 12.
I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. I chose this prompt because I find that this is a top skill and priority for me. I think it is very important to carry your weight in group projects and or group work. You never want to be that person that the group you’re working with is begging you to get your work done or to finish your part of the project/assignment. I also believe it’s important not to procrastinate in group projects, you don’t want your group to ever think you’re not going to do your part of the project or they are going to have to do your part because they don’t think you’re going to get it done on time. During the Piggy Dissection Lab Diana and I were partners, we both understood our roles with this assignment and we both knew the tasks we had to do. While dissecting our baby pig neither of us felt like one was doing all the work and the other partner was doing nothing, we both felt like we were doing equal amounts of work and both doing our share. Before the lab even started we both said it’s important that we split the workload evenly because we are doing this dissection together. Doing this caused us to take on roles and responsibilities in a group. During the Blood Lab I did in Anatomy & Physiology 12 I took on roles and responsibilities in a group, even though this wasnt a group assignment I still showed group roles and responsibilities. I did this by working together with classmates to clean up after lab or by setting up before lab. Me and my classmates worked together to answer each others question and to help each other if needed. I did my part in the blood lab and I took on responsibilities to finish the lab myself, but my classmates and I worked together as a group and took on roles to clean up the blood lab, set up the blood lap, and answer any questions we had. So overall I think I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group, and I always do my share.
I can give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals. I chose this as my thinking prompt because I think it is important to be able to receive and accept feedback/criticism. Growing up playing sports I have learned to take feedback in a healthy way and not get mad or offended by it. When someone is giving me feedback, they just want me to improve and help me reach my goals, not hurt my feelings. Since developing these skills through sports I have used them in school. When a teacher gives me feedback on papers or assignments I use it to improve my work, I know they just want to help and they want my work to be the best it can be. During the Piggy Lab Diana and I received lots of feedback from our teacher Mr Asano. He helped us figure out where certain parts of a pig are and helped us label them. Mr. Asano came around many times to help us out, and we never got offended or upset about what he was saying, we were appreciative of it. He helped us understand and identify parts of a pig which was our goal. During the Blood Lab I did in Anatomy & Physiology 12 I was able to recieve feedback and act on it. I did this by asking for help and taking my teacher Mr Asano’s advice and applying it to my assignment. If my teacher were to come to me and tell me to correct something I am listening and taking their critiques. I am always greatful when i get corrections, because that just makes my work better. I know teachers just want to help me improve my work, so I never get offended, I just take the advice. So overall I can give, receive, and act on feedback to progress towards my goals.
I can be kind to others, and support others when they need it. I chose this prompt because I think I am kind to others and I support others when they need it. In a class setting, I can be kind to others by listening when they share their thoughts and encouraging them if they feel nervous. If a classmate is struggling with a lesson, assignment, or project, I can offer to help them understand it. I can also include others in group activities and make sure everyone feels welcome. By being kind and supportive, I can help create a classroom where everyone feels comfortable and ready to learn. While doing the Piggy Dissection Lab Diana and I finished our dissection a bit early and we went around helping and asking others if they were having a hard time with the lab. By doing this we were supporting our classmates and being kind. We also were always checking in with our neighbors to see if they needed any help or even if we had a question we would always go to classmates before asking a teacher. When i was doing the Blood Lab I did in Anatomy & Physiology 12, I was kind to others, and support others when they need it. I did this by sharing advice or critiques I got from teachers with my classmates, and trying my best to assist them during the lab if they needed it. For example I saw someone doing the blood lab wrong and I stepped in and helped them. I made a simple correction for them. I did this because I would want someone to do that for me, not just watch me do it wrong. Being in school has definitely taught me to be kind to others, and to support others when they need it.