Edublog Post Assignment Art Studio 10-12

Core Competency 1

Q: I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence is that is…

A: I chose this prompt because I believe I am great at using feedback and critiques to improve my work. When someone gives me feedback, I listen carefully and think about how I can use it. I review my work and make changes to fix mistakes or meet expectations. For example, I edit writing or art pieces to make them clearer or follow specific rules or expectations my art teacher has set. If a project needs improvement, I focus on making it better step by step. I value feedback because it helps me grow and learn. Critiques help me to see what I can do differently next time. I take time to understand what is needed and how to apply it. My art teacher Ms Yee always gives helpful critiques/feedback and I appreciate it because it makes my artwork better. I also enjoy getting feedback because I like learning from others and improving my skills, whether that be learning from their mistakes, or listening to their strengths. This shows I can adapt and always aim to do my best.

Core Competency 2

Q: Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…

A: Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen when I ask questions or ask for help in art class. When I don’t understand something, I ask clear questions so I can get the right answers. I explain what I need help with in a simple way so other classmates or my teacher knows how to help me. If I’m having trouble with a task, I tell others what the problem is so they can help me fix it, or help me understand better. I listen carefully to their answers to make sure I understand. When I ask for help, I always thank the person for their support. I do this because it is important to let them know you are thankful for their help. Asking clear questions helps me get the help I need faster. This is also something I am still working on because I feel like I can do everything on my own and I don’t need help, but sometimes I do and that’s okay. I have gotten way better at asking for help when I need it. Asking questions eliminates mistakes and confusion. So when I ask questions this shows I can communicate clearly to solve problems. Whether talking in person or through emails, I always try to be clear. This helps me get things done better and leaves little room for error in my art projects/assignments.

Core Competency 3

Q: When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…

A: When I need to boost my mood or re-focus in art class I put my headphones on and listen to music while I work. Music helps me clear my mind and stay focused on the task at hand. It keeps me motivated and helps me relax, so I can be more productive. Whether it’s calm music or something upbeat, it gives me the energy I need to keep going. Listening to music helps me feel better and work more efficiently. It blocks out distractions and helps me stay in the zone so I can get the work done. I find that music improves my mood and makes the work feel less stressful. It also helps me think more clearly and come up with new ideas for art projects/assignments. Overall, music is my go-to tool to stay focused and feel good while working, not just in art class but in every class.

Grade 9 final reflection

My reflection

At the beginning of the year, my weakest point was paragraph writing. I felt my grammar and spelling were not where they needed to be. I felt like my creativity was one of my strongest assets. I think all the feedback from teachers and my peers that I have received over the course of the year has paid off and I have improved.

Core competencies


I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals… For the goals, I have chosen for the year, I am able to receive feedback and apply them to my goals. This helps me with my goals because other people’s opinions to help and incourge some people, like me. I am also able to give feedback to people and help them with their goals.

I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others… If I feel like something is super unfair to someone, I will say something, because I would want them to do that for me. I feel like if you’re going to do a group thing, it should be fair for everyone.

I can reflect on my thinking… I can do this by sitting back and really thinking about what I said, and making sure it was the right this to say. I feel like this is something very important to do because you want to think before you speak, and you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

Capitol Mutation Collaborative Project

My Project

Public Speaking

I think the key parts to public speaking are eye contact, loud voice, and good facial and body expressions. Eye contact is good because you don’t want to be looking down at your paper, you want to be looking at the audience. If you have a loud projectile voice everyone can hear you and it’s more interesting, instead of a super quiet speech and no one can hear you. Having good expressions when you are reading your speech can be important because you don’t want to be looking scared or nervous, you want to look ready and professional. When you are reading your speech and your head is down the whole time, you are shacking and rocking back and forth, and no one can hear you talking, that would not be a very good speech in my opinion. These are some tips that I use to help with my public speaking.

Collaborating Core Competency Reflection

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to… express everyone’s ideas so we are all on the same page. If we can get on the same page we can hopefully come to a conclusion.

I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by… Having everyone say one thing to collaborate to the assignment. I what to include everyone’s ideas and if someone is shy or does not want to talk we, could try to encourage them to speak what is on their mind. If it is a group project we need to work together and be able to agree on most things.

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see… Everyone talking and or writing down ideas that we came up with as a group.

If I notice …, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by… If I notice that my group does not understand the assignment we can ask the teacher for help by raising our hand and asking the teacher to come over and help. When we get the help, it would be a lot easier to get the work done fast and efficiently.

My Goal

I can ask open-ended questions to gather information.… I have a hard time asking open-ended questions because I find it hard to find the answer so I would rather ask a question that is closer to the answer. Asking an open-ended question is something I would like to work on.

BY: Skylar Mackenzie

Hunger Games Persuasion Project

My advertisement

persuasion And Advertisement Techniques

Our advertisement is supposed to get people from Panem to buy the projector we are showing. The persuasion tactics we used are logical and emotional appeal. We felt like we used logical because our advertisement makes sense, and we used facts and explain them so people would understand. We also used emotional by talking about family, and how you would feel when you use your projector. The advertisement techniques we used are card stacking, happy family appeal, and eye appeal. The techniques we used work together well and in ways that look great. I think our projector will sell very well.

Core Competencys

This project helped me with my partner’s work and sharing my ideas with my partner. We worked together well and that help us get our project done quickly and make it look nice at the same time. I asked lots of questions while doing this project, which is good for me because I don’t like asking questions that much.

I worked on my social awareness while working on the project because I was making sure I was listing my partner and classmates, and taking their ideas into consideration. I was also respectful to everyone I was around.

I had responsibility while working on this advertisement because I felt like I could keep everyone and myself on task, and get the stuff we need to get done, done.

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include making sure everyone had equal parts of work, so nobody has lots more work than the other members.

Meal Planning assignment


We must decide who will be cooking dinner for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We were given the instructions that we need to distribute the cooking evenly among all 4 household members. We all talked about what household member would be cooking and when, we then decided what food they would be cooking while taking into consideration about how long each meal would take to cook, and if it works into everyone’s schedule. 


MondayGrilled Cheese4 servings parent ADinner takes: 12 minutes
Teusdayblack beans 12 tacosparent BDinner takes: 15 minutes
WednesdayChicken noodle soup 6 servings Teen 1Dinner takes: 45 minutes
Thursdaypizza 2 large 14″ pizzasparent BDinner takes: 50 minutes
Fridaybasic white rice and peas, eggs 3 cups Teen 2Dinner takes: 35 minutes


I believe this plan will work because I have included everyone’s schedule. I made is super clear for everyone to understand. I made everyone cook 1 or 2 days a week. parent A cooks 1 meal a week, Parent 2 cooks 2 meals a week because they got more time. Teen 1 cooks 1 meal a week and Teen 2 cooks 1 meal a week. Friday’s meal is the least favorite meal because teen 2 has to cook at least 1 a week but she is not that great at cooking so she makes something easy, and there is also teen 1 is not home on Friday so there is 1 less person to cook for. I hope this meal plan will work how I think it will. Monday will hopefully work well because the grilled cheese will be made and cooked by the time everyone gets home from school and work. Tuesday black beans will be cooked, it is a easy and fast recipe.


thusdays pizza link. Monday Grilled cheese link.

Collaboration Reflection

My group is me Skylar, Summer Kiefer, and Diana. I felt like my group worked well together. We got all the work we needed to get done on time, but still had fun. We shared our communication clearly and well. My group made sure everyone was mostly on task and not getting distracted, and if someone did then someone would remined them to get back on task so we could have fun after. Most if not all of my group members knew how to use technology. My group did a project that involved Edublog already so it was not very unfamiliar. We completed all of out task in class and on time. Overall I feel like my group did a great job.

Word Around Town?

Word Around Town

skylar mackenzie

Physical Landforms

A) Landform 1 Mountains: mountains are formed by the earths crusted pushed together to form hills. Plates under the earth move and push the ground and creating mtns and plateaus

A) Landform 2 Lakes: The snow from the mountains melts down from the top of the mountains and creates lakes. since the earths always moves and glaciers could fall and create lakes over time too.

B) Mountains: skiing and snowshoeing. For skiing and can ski down the mountain, and you can also snowboard the same way. Another 1 is snowshoeing. Snowshoeing is a way of transportation. A lot of people snowshoe in Whistler because of its amazing views.

See the source image

B) Lakes: swimming and fishing. you can swim in a few lakes in Whistler but not a lot. (Alta lake is a good swimming lake). Fishing is a popular thing to do in whistler too. A good way to make money in Whistler is to put fishing stores because a lot of people fish there, and swimming stores and equipment

See the source image


Climate characteristic: Snow and Rain, and sun and hot.

A) Rain produces from fronts moving against each other. Also orographic rainfall-clouds hitting mountains and having to dump loads of water to get over. For hot air in the summer, whistler is close to the equator and the hot air comes for areas like California.

B) In the winter from snow and rain you can ski, snowboard ,snowshoe, and sled. In the summer because of the sun or hot air you can bike, fish, dirt bike, and swim.

vegetations: Grass and flowers

there is lots of different types of trees in whistler such as pine, cedar, hemlock and evergreen, and more.

A) Grass: Grass is used for things like looking nice, food for certain animals to eat, and to cover certain places in you yard. In Whistler grass is used for people to sit on and be more comfortable, but also its look beautiful too look at in nature on your hikes, Whistler is know for there beautiful nature and grass helps with that.

Flowers: Flowers are super pretty to look at and they are a good source of ways to feed different animals like bees. flowers are also good for us in the ways being we get money.

B) Grass: some people do Yoga on the grass in Whistler because they feel like you can really feel the nature. you could also play a lot of sports on grass, like Soccer, Baseball, Lacrosse, Filed hockey, and more.

Flowers: there is not a lot of activities that involve flowers, but flowers and really comin to see on hikes, and some flowers are actually edible if you do your research. Flowers like Borage, Calendula, and Monarda flowers are all edible and have benefits. some flowers give you a certain type of energy which can help with sports and keep you moving.

See the source image

dream of future

For mountains they have lots of Ski and Snowboard lessons because there are lots of mountains to ski and snowboard on and its a good way to make money. For lakes they can be a place you can rent canoes and kayaks so you can ride on the lakes with your friends and be able to see the beautiful nature that is a round you, because Whistler is known for there beautiful nature. Also in Whistler they have ziplines because they have so many trees.

In 25 years I feel like there is going to be diving and scuba lessons you can take to see the super cool fish in the lakes of Whistler. I also feel like there is going to be stuff like nature walks you can take will a group of people you find online and you can sign up and get or rent gear you might need for your long hikes.


yes. I found almost all in the information in my notes and if it wasn’t in my notes I could figure the answer out with google or my family.

how the technology affected my learning

I find it hard to work online I would way rather do this project on paper or print it out. I feel this way because I feel like its a lot harder for me to work on technology the it is t work in person because then things don’t get deleted online or lost.

I was satisfied with my design because I put a lot of effort into it and made sure I read the instructions over and over again.


how the technology affected my learning  

I find it hard to work online I would way rather do this project on paper or print it out. I feel this way because I feel like its a lot harder for me to work on technology the it is t work in person because then things don’t get deleted online or lost.  

I was satisfied with my design because I put a lot of effort into it and made sure I read the instructions over and over again. 
