Hunger Games Persuasion Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

My advertisement is supposed to tempt you into buying our product because of the way the colour, pictures and description of the words. It stands out because the colour has a wintery feel to it, so much that it makes our audience feel cozy and comfortable while trying on or even looking at our jacket. The words describe the way it feels and puts your brain into a type of thinking about what its like to have a jacket that nice. Our jacket looks and feels comfortable and stylish. It goes with any type clothing, plus its very warm and waterproof. Who wouldn’t want a better deal.

In our advertisement we used persuasion techniques such as logical and ethical. Logical is used in our advertisement when the statement says “50% more puff, 99.9% more warmth”. Its showing logical because it evolves numbers and percentages. Ethical is used in our ad when it says “Approved by the government of Panem”. This shows ethical appeal because its being said by a “famous person” (this being the government of Panem).

We used advertising techniques like special offer, eye appeal and name calling/labeling. This is shown throughout our advertisement like”$49.99 plus tax!” and “Better quality than top brands like Tommy Hilfiger and North Face!”. Eye appeal directs you to the colour and snowy, frosty background used for the add. It reminds me of cold weather and how I need to stay warm during the cold nights. Special offer also includes the statement “Money back guarantee after 3 days of purchase!” because normally you wouldn’t this on an expensive item of clothing.

My advertisement shows eye appeal, logical and ethical persuasion techniques, special offer deals and name calling brands. It all adds up to a great marketing advertisement and how to tempt someone into buying your product. Everything about this ad shows how easy it could be for citizens to buy products now-a-days just by being persuaded to.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is the different persuasion and advertising techniques. This has enhanced my knowledge about how people try to persuade us in the real world and on a screen. This could help in the future for company advertisements and interviews.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by adding any minor details to the assignment given. This was helpful because when designing our ad, there wasn’t anything that made it pop or stand out, and by communicating to my partner about this problem we made an advertisement that I believe changed the perspective.

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are collaborating and joining group ideas into an end results were all happy with. Listening and joining others ideas can make something better or worse, but communicating and listening to their ideas and working towards the end results is the goal.

I respectfully advocate for my needs by communicating when I’m feeling overwhelmed or over flooded. Working in a group with people can be hard to add all the ideas into a final product. Communicating with your peers is important because you need to show how you might feel or how you might not like what their doing/how their making you feel.


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