Curricular and Core Competency Reflection

The above image was taken during February this year when we were doing our Weather Log Assignment. This assignment entailed us analyzing the weather and climate over the span of three weeks and compare various variables at the end using line graphs. Going through this assignment, I learned quite a bit about the weather and how to measure different things like wind, humidity, and getting to know the type of clouds! At the end, it was fascinating to see all the recordings being compared by the use of graphs and to see how the weather and climate changes an a day-to-day basis.

Curricular and Core Competency Reflection:

If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to hear what everyone has to say. Doing this can grant other members freedom of sharing their point of view and it could make them feel heard within the group setting. Once everyone has shared their opinions, I would recommend weighing all the pro’s and con’s of all approaches, and taking it from there. Also, if I am not able to resolve the disagreement, I would not hesitate to engage the teacher to take things forward.

Creative Thinking:
An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is the weather. We started learning about the weather and climate towards the spring of this year. We got to know what causes different weather, how different things react with one another and more. Initially, learning about the weather did not come easy, as I did not understand how different components work hand-in-hand. Through everyday examples, I was able to understand why we have the weather that we have!

Personal Awareness and Responsibility:
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a short walk or have a quick snack before I start my assigned work. Doing this gets my mind of things and energizes me to do the work. I often found myself un-energetic before an Earth Science class, to solve this, I had a quick snack before I started my work. As for homework, the same amount of energy and effort is needed, therefore, I was always sure to have eaten well and be wide awake!

English 11

My Artifact

My learning

This was part of an assignment that was carried out before the winter break during our poetry unit, which ended this month. I felt some excitement towards this unit because I like writing poems using different styles, rhyme schemes and tones. During this poetry unit, I found that analyzing poems did not come easily to me, therefore, I had a rather tough time analyzing poems, and looking for various poetic devices. By the end of the unit, I had analyzed a good amount of poems that it was not so difficult anymore. I can now confidently analyze a poem and put my ideas on paper and be happy with my work. One extremely valuable skill that I have not paid attention to whenever I write is my paragraph structure. I now understand how important it is to have a flowing paragraph whereby your topic sentence is thoroughly investigated by your ideas within the paragraph. This is something I have done a ton of practice on, and this unit helped me to build on this skill when analyzing poems. The attached image is a poem I wrote as part of the assignment. It is about a city called Mombasa in Kenya that my family and I would travel to every December when we were in Kenya.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is analyzing poems using a paragraph structure. I am now able to get a hold of various poetic devices while a reading poem, and analyze them using a paragraph! This took some time as it was not easy for me when we first started the unit.

I am so curious about writing poems, and I am excited to learn more about how I could write using various techniques to make it even better. Poetry is a beautiful aspect of literature and there is no “right way” to do it. I like writing poems that have a meaning and emotions attached to them. I would like to lengthen this skill and learn new ways of writing poems.