Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment


Working collaboratively with others

In my pre-Cal 11 class, I always participated in daily group work, using my ability to collaborate effectively with others. Together with my classmates, we solved new math problems everyday, supporting and helping each other when we encountered difficulties. This approach approach improved my learning as it exposed me to different perspectives and problem-solving techniques. Through our discussions and shared insights, I gained a deeper understanding of the math lessons and discovered new strategies to solve problems. At the beginning it was hard to do group work and collaborate with my peers because I have never done that in math before, but then I noticed it really helped because when I was confused I had people who could help me. Overall, I really liked the group work sessions in our it not only bettered my teamwork skills but also enhanced my mathematical skills and enriched my learning journey.

Committing to Individual practice

To build my learning in math, I made a dedicated commitment to practice at hime. Consistently setting aside time outside of class, I engaged in focused independent study sessions. This time that I took for myself really helped me achieve a better grade, since I struggle with focusing in class. I used this method specifically when we were introduced it the graphing unit, I really struggled in this unit and couldn’t understand the lessons. But when i took the time at home ad watched YouTube videos, did more workbook questions, and reread the lessons it made a huge difference. Through these deliberate efforts, I was able to change my understanding of key concepts, strengthen my problem-solving skills, and improve my overall mathematical understanding. This practice allowed me to be more comfortable with challenging topics and gain confidence in tackling complex math problems, leading to significant growth in my learning outcomes.

Treating myself and others with respect

I consistently treated my classmates and teacher with respect by speaking to them kindly and listening attentively. I made sure to communicate in a considerate and respectful manner, and showing genuine interest in their thoughts and ideas. I think when learning math the its very important to be aware ad respectful to everyone. This is especially important because when learning math everyone works at different paces and understands concepts n a different way. So I was always respectful to everyone because of the way we all learn differently. By fostering a this environment, I encouraged open dialogue and I hoped to create a space where everyone felt valued. This respectful approach contributed to a good classroom atmosphere and making it a supportive learning environment for all of us.

Managing time effectively

I made sure to manage my time effectively when studying math at school. Whenever I felt confused, I set aside specific periods to focus on it. This was definitely my biggest obstacle in this course that’s why i want to talk about it. Honestly pre-Cal 11 is not as hard as its made out to be but the harder thing is time management, its easy to get confused in math really quickly. Not doing the workbook questions could be a big problem when we move on to a different lesson the next day. But through this course I learnt how to improve my time management and this was by making sure to finish work book questions everyday. By doing this, I could dig deeper into challenging concepts and problems. This approach helped me set clear goals for my study sessions and make the most of my learning time. Through effective time management, I established a routine that allowed me to address my confusion and make significant progress in understanding math.


I think there’s a few things that next year’s students need to know. First is part of the core competency I talked about “time management”, time management is super important in this class because you never wanna fall behind . To mange your time always make sure to finish work book questions, study when you’re finished, and take the time to study ahead of the exams. My second piece of advice is to ask questions, sometimes a part of a lesson or problem just doesn’t make sense to you and that’s completely okay. Asking questions can completely open up your eyes and make sense of a chunk of a unit, so don’t be scared to ask questions! And my last piece of advice is to get to know your classmates, talking to your classmates can help because when you’re not understanding a problem they can’t can give you a new perspective to solve it. And when doing group questions you can also contribute to helping your classmates so you can all be successful with your learning.


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