French Movie Poster

Creating and innovating

During, this projected my strongest element was the creating and innovating aspect. The Innovating aspect was Visualized in me trying to convince myself to learn new verbs and how to conjugate them especially in a format of a Paragraph. Therefore, In-order to do that I had to write it in English first then in French, leading to the final part of the proper conjugations of the verbs. The pronunciation had to be as-well reviewed multiple times and wrote down the pronunciation on the side of the new word. The Creating aspect was the easiest and the one I had the most fun with. While I was considering how to design it I had to look over, the theme of the movie and the year it was made. So, I followed the theme of pink, rhinestones, and the writing. However, Since I noticed she had a diary of bright pink the beginning I wanted to incorporate that as-well. So, I followed that theme creating a 90s theme Poster.

My French Movie Poster

I forgot to Take a picture of it before handing it in. Therefore, I have my socials project next to it.


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