Positive Learner Identity

Providing answers orally

Core Competency Reflection

I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth.

When i used this strength was in English, I felt like when we did writing works like essays or other assignments i was lacking in strength and I was lost a lot, until we started working on circle discussions and presentations, i found that I’m a good speaker and i feel like i think better when i give oral answers, the assignment in mind was the debates for the book all quiet on the western front, i felt that this strength helped me in a way that i was able to re asses my answers and adjust to the way others were speaking and make a solid answer every time.

Ozymandias: Poetry in Voice Reflection

My Poem:

Curricular Competency Reflection

How did you choose your poem? I did not personally; I was stuck on what poem to use, and i kind of gave up, but when i asked for help from one of my teachers, that was when he helped me find an idea from a poem he liked as a kid. I asked Ms. Olchowy if it was fine to use, and sure enough, it was. thats why i chose my poem

Which of the in-class activities helped you prepare to present your poem? For me, what helped was when we recited it with a partner on some days. It helped me kind of memorize my poem and get ready for when it was time, and it helped me learn the tones and where to pause.

What other strategies did you employ outside of those taught in class to prepare for presenting this poem? For me, what helped was when I read it at night before I went to bed, i noticed that when i woke up some of the words stuck to my head. Another was listening to music; whenever i forgot a part, I recited a part of a song that was playing while I was reciting my poem to a friend.

How did completing the paragraph write about your poem help you present your poem? for me, im not so sure, i think when you type/write different tones and explain more about the poem it helps you learn more about it so when you need to present you are all set with different views about your poem and how to present it.

Core Competency Reflection

How did you choose your poem? You could talk about the requirements of the assignment BUT if you extended beyond that to looking at the content, explain how that influenced your choice.

  • I chose my poem in LEC class with Mr {Peacock & Mr Southerland, we were looking around for poems and he gave me an idea of one of his favorite poems growing up, he read it to me and showed me it, it was catchy and was very interesting so i ended up choosing it.
  • Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in… Group work, when i do group work i always communicate clearly, especially during the poem we had to do peer review and i stated what i was missing and what i needed to work on and i asked my peer to help me stick it to my brain.
  • An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is… During this poetry recitation, when i needed help to find a poem because i was lost, i asked a teacher. that teacher ended up helping me by giving me some ideas to memorize the poem and what poem to choose, i used his idea to help me and found a poem i liked, i didnt fully memorize it but it did help alot.

Math Self Assessment

I know that being funny can have both positive and negative consequences, including hurting peoples feelings so I adjust my actions to make non personal jokes

To celebrate an accomplishment such as Finishing my work on time, I go for a walk.

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, doing deep breathers helps me be more productive or calm.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in a room with Ms B