IDS Inquiry Reflection

IDS: Inquiry Reflection  

Write a reflection about your progress on your Inquiry project.  

  1. Include your answers to the following questions in your reflection: 
  1. What is your Inquiry Question? Has the focus of your inquiry shifted or changed since you wrote your Personal Learning Plan? Explain. 

My new inquiry question is  “What is the most effective way to stay at peace/relieve stress?”. I changed 

my IDS topic all together since I’ve started. I redid my Personal Learning Plan today, and I’m excited to start this project on a good, and stable start. 

  1. How is your time management? Are you using CENT time weekly to work on your Inquiry, or are you finding other time during the week? 

Overall, I haven’t been using Cent Time as a way to complete my IDS. I usually need Cent Time as an extra flex block to get work done. Another component to this however is because I wasn’t fully committed to my original IDS inquiry question. Now, I will most likely continue to use Cent Time as a flex block but I will complete my work more efficiently at home.  

  1. What resources (people, websites, apps, videos, etc.) have been most helpful? 

So far, I haven’t gone in depth with my new IDS question, but I plan on using the data I take from the activities I’m going to do to complete my IDS. I will use some websites for more scientific evidence, but I’m mostly just going to trust myself and the process.  

  1. What challenges are you currently facing with your Inquiry? What challenges have you overcome? 

A challenge I overcame recently was not being committed enough or interested enough to my original IDS assignment. Now, I feel prepared to complete my logs weekly and take my time on this assignment. 

  1. Describe your growth of a Core Competency through this inquiry process. 

I think I have developed greatly in the Thinking aspect of my IDS. I thought about my original question a lot, and also thought back to my Plan B IDS topic. I decided that my Plan B is a better question for me because I’m more invested in the process.  

  1. How will you share what you have been learning, creating or planning in this Inquiry? Are you on track to share your learning by the end of May or early June? 

I will work on my IDS weekly until the beginning of May, then compile the evidence into an IMovie for the end of May.  

  1. Will you continue working on this Inquiry, or parts of it, for your Capstone next year? 

If I become very interested and invested in this IDS question, I’m considering continuing this into my Capstone next year. 


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