Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self-Assessment

Curricular Response-

One of my images was a fence, which I used to represent segregation or setting boundaries between different people. The fence effectively serves as an object that sets a distinct boundary between two kinds of people. It represents a divided country as it symbolizes the government or society creating distinct boundaries between people. My quotation of, “this land is your land, this land is my land” vividly shows setting boundaries between different types of people, as the quote explains setting a land boundary between two different types of people.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

One challenge I faced was trying to interpret the hidden meanings behind the songs. This is one of my weaknesses, so I specifically looked for keywords that could point me in the right direction towards a general overarching theme. Another challenge I faced, was trying to come up with images to support the quotations or binary opposite I had created. Within my quotations, I attempted to focus on underlying themes that could easily be visualized using some sort of symbol or image. This is how I was able to come to the conclusion of using a fence, private property sign, and peace sign, as they coordinated with the themes within my quotes.

Brain Disorder Story Assignment Reflection

I demonstrated the communication core competency throughout this assignment as I had to communicate with my partner in many aspects. Specifically, during the assignment we had to come up with a storyline for our character to follow, so while I still came up with ideas on my own, I still encouraged my partner to voice his opinions and I valued his ideas. I also simply worked together with him to finish the goal, which was completing the assignment.

Another core competency I demonstrated was the thinking competency. During the project I was able to form new ideas for how the story should progress and where the character should see, what pieces of information should be in the subtitles or within the speech bubbles. Also, I was able to act on the ideas from my partner when he proposed any new changes to the story lines, speech bubbles,

Research Assignment Reflection

A core competency I demonstrated within the research assignment project, was the communication competency. Obviously within the group assignment I collaborated with my group members, and encouraged them to share their opinions on what questions we should be asking, as well as agreeing on one that satisfied all of us.

A personal/social core competency for me is that I can identify my strengths as a person, as I was able to easily put together the form and format in a way to separate the responses into categories for easily accessible information, and put the information into excel to present our appendix in an effective manner.

As for the thinking competency, I was able to interpret the data within our google forms and organize some of that data within our excel spreadsheet. The combination of both the results of the forms and the spreadsheet allowed me to read between the lines and analyze the evidence in order to properly write our conclusion.

English 11 Poetry Reflection

The overall purpose of my poem was to illustrate how important my water bottle is in my everyday life. With my poem, I was a little bit torn between my audience being simply my teacher marking, or a group of teenagers or adults. I think my poem would still fit for both of the audiences. For most of my poem I sort of talked about how I would handle the water bottle in a game setting, although I did not specifically state it. I generally took inspiration on how’s my teammates felt during our football games, but I also could have related it to previous years when I played soccer. Instead of doing a simple poem that described the bottle like , “blue as a ocean,” I tried to relate it to an experience so that I could describe the sound and how the bottle worked since it was squeeze bottle. The sound and action of squeezing is what’s most important about that bottle, so I tried to create imagery using a scene during a game.

I was looking around my room for an object to write on and I couldn’t find anything, but I looked into my bag to grab my lunch and found my water bottle just underneath my lunch. I started to think of the 5 senses when I started to describe the bottle, but I started to focus more on the sound and squeeze attribute of the bottle. I don’t think there was any strategy in particular that helped, but I find walking around helps formulate ideas. I think something that is innovative about my poem is that I tried to put in a sport situation that illustrated the use and need of the bottle in that situation. I think for next time maybe I could try and emphasize more on the sports part of the imagery, because I never mentioned anything specifically about sports other than a subtle mention of my pads in the first line. Because of this, the reader may get the wrong idea and the poem will cause them to visualize something different.

Core Competency Self Assessment to

One of my strengths is that I can easily summarize information I might find online or in sources that I use to complete an assignment. In this assignment I searched online and went through my notes to be able to quickly summarize each definition and complete the assignment. I was also able to quickly able to find accurate diagrams or examples of the weathering by searching for Key terms on the internet, and I was also able to collaborate with my neighbour to share ideas and ping pong off each other to be able to get the assignment done in the most efficient matter.

Core competency self assessment- Geography


In this project one of my strengths was to separate tasks between my partner and I in order to efficiently get through the assignment while still taking in information. I was also able to recognize my partners different view points on some of the concepts for within the assignment and was able to agree on one point or communicate to take the best of both worlds. We both were able to do our jobs effectively.

I don’t believe within this assignment there were collaborative weaknesses on my part. The project was done in advance of the given time frame, it was done to the best of my ability and throughout the project we were able to collaborate on ideas and principals regarding the project. Perhaps in the future I can work with someone else in order to really put my collaborative skills to the test, as my partner for this project has been someone I have been comfortable working with for years.

In the future I hope to continue to effectively collaborate within group settings by reminding myself of competencies and ensuring that I respond properly to others’ ideas, delegate responsibilities, and make sure everyone does their part,