Comparative Cultures – Final Reflection

Critical thinking and communication

This project was a focus on creation myths. I compared and contrasted Hawaiian and Māori myths to form this project as one can see in the image above. This assignment allowed me to showcase my communication skills through using notes to create a script which effectively communicated what I needed to showcase for the project in the small space given. I used critical thinking as I analyzed the two cultures to effectively communicate the information I had. I am proud that I was able to complete the assignment on time and showcase all the information needed on this comic. In the future I wish I had spent more time on the analysis piece as I was unsatisfied with the fact that I was unable to have a greater focus on perspectives and wish I had tied the effect of enculturation more into the analysis. This project was overall able to help me look at my analyzing and clear communication skills to asses information which allowed me to improve both these skills.