About Me

My Favourite Quote 

“You will never have this day again, so make it count.” 

-Ashley Goodpaster 

This reason I love this quote so much is because it reminds me that life is short, and that I would like to live life to the fullest. Doing the same things repeatedly is surviving, not living. It reminds me that I could try new things instead of staying inside of my comfort zone. Those are the reasons why I like it so much.  

My Favourite Video

Ok so, I know this video is weird. But the reason I like it so much is because of these two reasons 

A) It reminds me of a friend of mine. Her name is Angelique and she plays the guitar. So I find it pretty funny 

and B) Whenever I’m down, nervous, or mad, I would put this video on which would make me smile 

Even though it is ridiculous, it’s my go to video

My Inspirational Picture                                                                    


This photo might just look like a beautiful drawing of an eye to most people. But for me, it inspired me to become a sketcher when I was younger. To become someone as good as that person’s drawing. I’ll probably never meet that person’s level, but I still practice all the time.  

My Favourite Website 


It isn’t exactly “creative”, but I spend most of my time on YouTube which probably means it’s my favourite website. Just to take a guess, I’m pretty sure that for 90% of my free time I spend it on YouTube.  And those are my only reasons why it’s my favourite.

My Word Cloud


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