Core Competency Self Reflection

The artifact I chose to show my strengths and growth is the “Market Assignment” assignment I worked on with my partner, Daniella. The core competency that reflects this assignment would be communication. When I think of the communication core competency, it means that I attentively listen to others, adjust to fit the audience and the message, and encourage the open expression of diverse ideas and opinions. Daniella and I harmoniously worked together to complete the assignments to the best of our abilities. I communicated her my ideas and she did the same vice-versa. We both agreed to split the research apart to get the work done efficiently. I then proposed the suggestion to use Canva to make our work presentable. I hope to further develop the communication core competency by asking more questions and providing better feedback.

Anatomy & Physiology 12 Core Competency

Lamb’s Heart

In this lab, my partner, Anika, and I were to look into a lamb’s heart and be able to identify different parts of the heart. We did this lab to have a better understanding of the heart and it’s functions. It also helped us being able to indicate specific parts of the heart for our circulatory unit. When trying to figure out which parts were which on the heart, it included a lot of critical thinking which is one of the core competencies. We had to reflect on what we saw, analyze it, and be able to make a conclusion. Another core competency we used was communication. Anika and I had to work as a team to be able to solve the problem, and to be able to give a conclusion. We used communication by listening and responding to one another, and meeting half-way to be able to give a prediction. In, the end, we were able to successfully label everything on the heart because of our critical thinking and communication.

Core Competency Goal Setting Edublog Post

  1. I can connect and engage with others to share and develop ideas. By engaging in formal and structured conversation, I can listen and contribute to the class and my peers. I’ll also attempt to develop understanding relationships. Like in my English classes, striving to connect to my schoolmates are my goal. 
  1. I can identify criteria that I can use to analyze evidence. By learning to analyze and make judgements about a work, a process, a performance, or another product or act. Like in Math, analyzing will be a good opportunity to learn how to focus on how to draw conclusions. 
  1. I understand that learning is continuous, and my concept of self-identity will continue to evolve. Finding self-identity is an important thing to consider. How I can accomplish this goal is by trying something new and discovering new things every day.