Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self- Evaluation

Curricular response

I chose the quotation “Chris Columbus gets credit for discovery” because when I was in middle school I was taught that Christopher Columbus did discover Canada, many people do still believe this. Indigenous people have been living here years before Christopher Columbus came. I chose the picture of someone with their fingers crossed behind there back to show the distrust that was built with Indigenous people because of the horrific things that were done to them.

Core Competency Self- Assessment

My background helped me choose my quotes and pictures. I am Cree and my family comes from Saskatchewan, Treaty Six. My mother is Cree and has taught me about Indigenous history my entire life, ever since I was young my mom would share with me what was done to Indigenous people. When doing the assignment I was able to use my previous knowledge to help me understand fully what the quotes are referring too.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


I talked and worked with a lot of new people I met in this course to help me learn more about sewing and to get to know each other. My group worked together on many assignments we do in class and helping each other with seam samples. My group helped me complete my project too by giving me tips and showing me some techniques I didn’t know before such as how to wind a bobbin.

Critical Thinking and Artifact

My artifact is my first sewing project, elastic waist shorts. I developed my critical thinking skills throughout this project, I ran into a problem right away when I was pinning my pattern to my fabric and realized I didn’t have enough fabric to make what I originally had planned so I had decided to make shorts instead so I wouldn’t need as much fabric. later I ran into a problem when I sewed the wrong part of my fabric and I had to cut it off but because I gave myself more fabric when I started so I was able to make those mistakes because of my planning before hand my project was able to still turn out without the sizing being off.

Elastic waist shorts