• When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I – I often have a hard time focusing as I am easily distracted by things around me. This year I plan to find a method such as frequent 5-10 minute breaks to maintain my focus and get back on track after something comes up. This will increase my success in and out of school.
  • I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is – I read and follow criteria when working on projects and assignments. I find it helps me to organize or section parts of criteria to ensure my work is meeting and following all guidelines. This year I plan to spend more time making sure my projects are done to the best of my abilities and follow or exceed criteria expectations by building off of ideas and suggestions given.
  • Describe one of your learning goals. (something you want to get better at or learn how to do it) How did you come to choose that goal? Describe something you are doing to help you work toward meeting that goal. One goal I have this year for learning is to study more and spend more time working on assignments or homework. I chose this goal because I often procrastinate or avoid studying and it results in me not doing it at all, this goal will help me have greater success and exceed my own expectations. To work towards this goal I am setting myself certain times that I can dedicate to studying and/or working on school work.