Choose Your Own Adventure: There is an Intruder in your house.

Communication Reflection

○ Describe what your project is about and how to use it. What program did you use to create your design? We used the website twine and the encoders listed on OneNote. Our project is about a person who breaks into your house, and you have to try and escape.

○ How did you communicate with one another? How did you listen to one another’s ideas and provide one another feedback? We worked together in class communicating who’s gonna do what, and assisting each other with images, ideas, and audios. We mostly agreed on everything but when we couldn’t decide what to do we just went with whatever one made more sense.

○ What were your responsibilities in the group and how did you make sure each member contributed to the design? We both worked on the script during school, and after that I just searched for pictures while she searched for audios on our own time, and added them together in class.

○ How well did you work as a group? Did you use time efficiently together? I would say yes we used our time efficiently got our work done in a short span of time while still having a good idea. We worked well together we both bounced ideas off each other to come up with an end result.

○ How were decisions made? Did you face any problems—if yes, how did you solve them? We actually didn’t face any problems I think we both had ideas and agreed on them together.

○ Were you satisfied with the final product? How could you improve on this process for next time? Yes I think we did a good job I’m pretty satisfied with the end result. I think we could have made it longer if we had more time but I think it’s good considering the time frame.


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