Death of a Salesman Presentation

My PowerPoint Presentation

Core Competency Reflection

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this presentation. I use quotations from the book to support my claims and can provide interpretations and opinions.

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to keep an open mind and hear what others have to say, respecting their unique viewpoints, and adding my own thoughts and ideas.

I compile and synthesize information to draw reasoned conclusions, such as analysing complex characters in the play such as Willy Loman by trying to use as much evidence from the book and understanding why a series of events might lead an outcome in order to draw a strong conclusion.

One goal I have is to communicate more effectively. I can work towards this goal by making more eye contact with the audience and trying to speak at a slower pace as well as practising my script to be more comfortable speaking about the topic.