My Tribute Costume

Hi, I’m Dante. I’m tall, funny and friendly.  I’m Italian-Canadian, so I love my family and food.  I have a great crew of friends. I like playing video games, basketball, skiing and watersports. I will binge watch shows that I really like. I like to stay up late and sleep in. My favorite thing about school is seeing my friends and my favorite subject is Power Tech.


i dont think there was anything innovative about my costume

i generated my ideas by thinking

i enjoyed my costume because of its weird look

i could improve by drawing something

i found that i was very creative

Innovation timeline

Where is it now the lightbulb

Evolution of the Light Bulb

Even before the light bulb was invented, the human race looked for ways to illuminate the world. For example with fire for safety and travel and navigate a path. The first lightbulb’s main use was to be put into factories so that people could work longer and produce more. 

1879: Incandescent Light Bulb

In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the first practical incandescent light bulb. It allowed factories to remain open after dark.

Scientists continued to make improvements over the next 40 years that reduced the cost and increased the efficiency of the incandescent bulb. However, by the 1950’s researchers had still only figured out how to convert about 10% of the energy the incandescent bulb used into light and began to focus their energy on other lighting solutions.

1930s: Fluorescent Lights

The standard fluorescent light was developed for commercial use during the 1930’s. These fluorescent light bulbs was an improvement as it offered more light, used 75% less energy consumption, and lasted longer than incandescent lights.

1962: LED Light

The first visible-spectrum (red) LED was developed in 1962 by Nick Holonyak, Jr. while working at General Electric. By 2010 mass installations of LED lighting for commercial and public uses were becoming common. LED lamps offer the highest luminous efficacy and lifespan of all commercial light bulb options. The negative is that LED lights tend to have the highest price; however, can save 80%+ of the energy compared with incandescent alternatives, and about 40% of the energy compared to fluorescent options. An additional advantage of LED lamps is that their heat footprint is extremely small, providing indirect energy savings by reducing air conditioning loads.

Refection 1: I searched multiple sites and they all said the same thing so i would say all my sources are reliable

2: I choose google spreadsheet because i am used to it and i like it

3: I was very satisfied by my project i though it turned out really good

4: I think my project is really good right now so i’d probably keep it the same

What’s the Word Around Town

Edmonton, Alberta


1: I found the problem pretty fast when i was looking for oil refineries and how they produce so much gas

2: I did not build my project from a backward design. i didn’t really think to far in to the project i just went slide by slide

3: when i figured out i could make my own image i did that and it was very helpful for my project so i am satisfied

4: I would have refined the picture to make it better but i couldn’t find a good software so for the future i would do a better image