Critical thinking

This photo was the first photo i took in this semester. when i took it i was focusing and trying to get all the details. when i took this photo i was thinking how to make the shade of the picture like how we see it in real life i ad to play with the settings and edited some parts to make it get the right shade. its one of my favorite pictures that i took. i used critical thinking on the settings and the colors. i focused on the flower and the leaf because they are the main point of the picture.

positive learner identity

taking clear notes

I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth

i was taking notes for my English class everyday like about 3-4 pages of notes to finish assignments and read them later for tests and read book to take more notes. there was essay writings on these questions and notes.

Core Competency Self- Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

What is the role of the citizen of Canada?

The role of the citizen of Canada is that you can vote and its also to obey Canadian law. To take responsibility to protect our environment and preserve our heritage. Their community treat people from every where in good way. As someone in Canadian community I’ve experience to be called a terrorist’s.

PHE 10 AH Reflection

I feel sleepy this Monday morning

personal health and wellness

When I am sad, angry, or frustrated I usually go for a night walk or morning walk to calm down. Also sometimes I go on the beach to relax and i take somebody of my friends with me just to tell them what is happening. but when the weather is bad I read books that I like. i go on my phone most of the times and i talk with people on social media or i listen to my favorites songs to chill.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus i try to be focused on one thing and tell myself its easy to focus on and to be better about it. sometimes i be worried about tow things and need to be focus on one thing so i use my tricks to focus and finish one and then the other. its hard to focus on tow things at the same time because its confusing on what to be on or finish first.

Core Competency Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal like in volley ball I asked people to teach me how serve perfectly.

I can tell what is important to me and explain like i tell if i don’t like something or i cant do something i tell why.

I find it easy to be part of group like in the begging of semester I didn’t know anybody in this class but then I’ve been making group of friends and now its easy.

I make choices that keeps me safe like i sometimes don’t play just to be better.