Self-Regulation Core Competency Physics 11

  1. I would say that I am more exteroceptive as when I did the test recommend by the video of closing my eyes and lying in a place with little distractions, I found it difficult to focus inward on what’s happening at the level of my skin and internal organs as my mind tended to focus on external noise such as music in another room or cars outside. I would say I am more exteroceptive as it is easier for me to get distracted instead of truly focusing on something I find challenging such as meditating interoceptively.

2. I would say the best meditation practices for my personal growth would be interceptive ones as they would create for change in the way my brain is wired. As I am more of an exteroceptive person doing interoceptive meditations, which I find more challenging, would allow me to improve my level of focus not just in meditation but in other scenarios as my mind will be challenged to adapt to this discomfort for the better.

3. For interceptive meditation a non-cyclic or more complex breathing pattern involving deliberate voluntary commands such as doing two inhales and one exhale would be best to combine with it, as by focusing on the breathing practice it will require more attention to be diverted on the breathing associated with the meditation and less on other things. This non default level of breathing allows for you to focus on the way you breathe internally and the organs that are used really complimenting interoceptive meditation.

4. The best type of breathing for calming down would be patterns of longer and more vigorous exhale to let the air out with more emphasis relative to the passive inhales. This will shift the nervous system to a level of more calm.

Computer Programming 11 Self-Assessment

The assignment I choose to reflect on is called user dictionary tree. It involved using a combination of dictionary functions and turtle to get the program to draw the output. At first, I found the usage of functions challenging but as working through the assignment I started to understand them more. Through this I learned how to better utilize turtle modules functions and dictionaries. I think I did a good job with this assignment as I got it to work properly.

  • I can explore materials and actions. (Critical Thinking)
  • I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. (Self Determination)
  • I can understand and share information about a topic that is important to me. (Communication)

Core Competency Goals

– How do you show that you are listening thoughtfully? In what ways does your listening contribute to your understanding?

I find that I learn best when listening attentively to the teacher. I display my ways of listening thoughtfully by first stopping what I am doing. I then turn my head to the speaker and listen with both my eyes and ears making sure they have my full attention. Listening contributes to my understanding as it allows me to properly understand what is being asked and instructed. It may also help me remember details which may be necessary at a later time.

– How do you learn best?

I learn best by listening and paying attention in class. I am always giving my full attention to the speaker and writing down anything important they may say. I find that I also learn best by keeping organized in my notes as well as keeping on top of my work. I have also found that I am more focused in learning when I have my phone away as to not have it distract me. I also learn by discussing and asking questions with others.

– What helps you get new ideas?

I get new ideas by talking with my friends and asking for their opinions on subjects. I get new ideas from different types of media such as reading books and watching shows and movies. I get new ideas by taking new classes and learning on subjects I have not learned before. I get new ideas by taking up new tasks such as working at my job or learning to drive. I can also learn new ideas by going to new places such as where I travel to on vacation.

Autumn Poetry Anthology

Reflection Paragraph

The innovative thing about my visual representation is that is like a book. While generating ideas for my project I looked at poems and used images which represent the ones I chose. The thing I enjoyed the most about Anthology project was making it into a flipbook which was really satisfying as you could customize it. Next I would improve on the design by adding a bit more detail. I learned that my creative ability can help me to do projects like these.