The Simpsons

My Analysis

Creating and Communication

This unit showed me irony, satire and allusion in action. I already knew a little bit of irony before but this unit helped me gain a much more deeper understanding of what all three were. Through the help of Mr. Cook’s pausing the video and pointing it out, it helped me with identifiyng allusions and satire more. When we were starting the episode “The TaleTail head” I never knew the entire episode was an allusion to Edgar Allan Poe’s poem, “The TaleTail Heart”

The night before our The Simpsons essay, I re-watched the episode that we watch during class, trying to spot irony, allusions and satire on my own. I tried to add the key iconic things to what made the Simpsons so successful, like memorable characters, witty jokes and writing and quotable lines all the while trying to incorporate the a more deeper understanding of the writing in the Simpsons like irony, allusions, satire.

While writing my essay tried avoiding run-down words the best that i can. I also tried to re-read my essay to try and spot any grammatical errors or misspelled words. I’m working on having a smoother transitions from point to point.

Core Competency

I can describe how satire, irony and/or allusion relates to The Simpsons. I can identify allusion and irony in The Simpsons, an example of irony or dramatic irony is in “Homer The Herathic”, when Ned was saving Homer from the house fire instead of homer landing on the mattress he instead bounced back into the buring house. An Example of allusion is in the episode of “Krusty gets Busted” in the scene where Bart is in his room talking to him self and he referenced a line in Hamlet by William Shakespeare “to be or not to be”.

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when, Mr. Cook told me what my Greek Mythology essay class essay was going to be i did a little bit of researching before hand, watching the Movie “Troy” researching more about each character in The Illiad and creating a draft essay the night before.
