English Studies 12 Get Out Paragraph

Curricular Response

My writing goal was to stay more on track with my arguments in my writing. To work on my goal in this paragraph I had notes on paper while I typed and when I finished a piece of evidence and its effects I would re read and make sure to re read my topic sentence because I can find myself forgetting what my topic sentence is specifically trying to prove. This also helped me with efficiency, I wasted less time on writing things I would eventually need to cut out and resulted in less time when reviewing. I think this paragraph fulfilled this goal and that it is way more on topic than my last one.

Core Competency Self-Assesment

In my first and second paragraph I received feedback telling me to make some sentences more clear and to prune. Although this paragraph was a bit rushed I still took the time to re read and try to prune with the time I had left. After finishing my paragraph I re-read and found a few sentences not making sense and being to repetitive, so I deleted the full sentences that were unnecessary and pruned or combined the others I thought to have necessary information. To further this improvement I will spend more time reviewing my writing to ensure everything is necessary to have and pruned to the best of my ability.


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