Conics Project

This project has significantly increased my understanding of transformations and all the graphing we did in pre calc 12. From the diverse shapes I learned to use, I feel comfortable transforming new equations. The easiest shapes I used were parabolas (shown in my hair shape, and mouth), straight lines (for my hair part, hair edges, eyebrows, and grad gown neckline) these shapes are all shapes I have been familiar with graphing and found quite easy to use so I will avoid talking about them. Using newer shapes was where this project became difficult circles (shown with my earrings, eyes, face shape…) and a point for my most prominent mole, elipses and connics (used for the ovals in this portrait and conics for my nose bridge) were difficult to learn. I decided to use elipses when I needed rounded shapes and parabolas wouldn’t fit the shape or have end behaviour in the right places. To use them without creating an oval I would restrict the y values to have the x values not repeat below. using conics for my nose bride was honestly the easiest option because using elipses would’ve been the only thing that would’ve properly lined up with my nose and that would require writing two equations rather than one. I used elipses for my face shape then restricted the y value so I could add a parabola to form the shape of my chin. Something I was unable to do in this project was learn how to restrict the top half of a circle to a different value than the bottom half (assuming this is not possible) you can see where I struggled with this very clearly with my earrings. Graphing my hair was honestly the most difficult and tedious task because the direction of my hair constantly changes so I decided to use the simplest tool and graphed many lines. I found that changing the thickness of the lines helped adding dimension to make my face a little more realistic because it struggled restricting the inequalities when the shapes did not connect with themselves. Overall I highly enjoyed this project because of the understanding it gave me and not really for the visuals of my scary graphed face ¯_( ͡> ͜ʖ ͡<)_/¯


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