Breakfast Home Lab

My Reflection

For this lab, we were asked to make two different breakfast recipes and a smoothie at home to share with out family. I decided to make crepes, omelettes ( cooked in muffin tins) and a mixed berry smoothie. I have never made crepes before so it was a bit of a challenge. The first crepe didn’t turn out very well but the rest after did. They turned out well because they were thin, fully cooked and tasted sweet. For the muffin omelettes, I diced veggies and grated cheese to put at the bottom of the muffin liners and then poured the beaten egg on top. These weren’t too hard to make for me because I have made them before. The omelettes turned out well because they were fully cooked and very flavorful. The easiest recipe to make was the mixed berry smoothie. I have made tons of smoothies before so it was super easy. In the smoothie, I added frozen berries, almond milk, yogurt, honey and protein powder. The smoothie tasted amazing and everything got blended together so there were no chunks. This lab challenged me to be organized, work independently and to manage my time wisely. I would definitely make these recipes again.

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Broccoli and Cauliflower Cheese Soup

My Reflection

For this lab, we were given four cream based soups to chose from. My partner and I chose to make a broccoli and cauliflower cheese soup. I have never made a cream soup before, so I found it a little challenging but it was fun. When we made the soup, we chopped up all the veggies and added the liquid. The soup was then chunky so we used an immersion blender that made it smooth. My partner and I worked well together to make this recipe because we planned out who was going to be responsible for what and it made us be more organized. I also got to practice more of my knife skills. I thought the soup turned out well because it was well seasoned, all the veggies were tender and everything was well blended. I don’t think I would eat this soup again because I didn’t really enjoy the taste but I would recommend it to someone who loves the taste of broccoli and cauliflower.

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Miso Udon Noodle Soup

My Reflection

For this lab, we had to make our own broth based soup. My group made a Miso Udon Noodle Soup. We found this recipe online and followed the steps but added a few more ingredients. I thought that this lab challenged us to be organized and follow steps. In our soup, we added green onions, mushrooms, snap peas, carrots, onions, celery, chicken, chicken stalk, and basil (for garnish). I have never made udon noodles before and thought that they were going to be difficult to make, but they weren’t. I thought that the soup turned out well because everything was cooked well, the veggies weren’t cut too big, and it was seasoned well. We could have added less mushrooms because there were a lot and I don’t really like mushrooms. Overall, I think that I worked well with my group members and I followed the directions to make the soup.

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Veggie Frittata

My Reflection

I have made frittatas at home before but not with many ingredients in them. In this lab, I had the chance to add many veggies and experiment with flavours. As a group we made one frittata in a pan which had tomatoes, asparagus and onions in them. On one side, we added peppers and on the other side, we added mushrooms because some people didn’t want one of those two ingredients. This recipe turned out well because the eggs were fully cooked, it was golden brown and the veggies were sautéed till they were tender. I got to practice my knife skills and how to sauté veggies. Next time, I would make sure not to over cook my eggs because they were a little over cooked but still tasted good. I would definitely make this again because it was so delicious.

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Breakfast Sandwich

My Reflection

This lab was definitely one of the more challenging labs that we had to do. For the outside, we used the scone recipe that we made a few weeks before but I incorporated cheese into it to add more flavor. In the inside of my sandwich, I added scrambled eggs (with red pepper and green onions), chives, bacon and hollandaise sauce. The hardest part was making the hollandaise sauce because it need to be a certain consistency and if you heated it for too long, the egg yolks would scramble. It was my first time making this sauce but I unfortunately heated mine for too long in the microwave and the eggs scrambled. Other than the sauce not turning out, I thought that everything else did. Everything was perfectly cooked and I worked well with the people in my group to stay organized because there were a lot of steps that we needed to follow in order to complete our sandwich. I would make this sandwich again but maybe make a different sauce and add a few more vegetables.

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Chicken Salad Sandwich

My Reflection

For this lab, we got to design our sandwich. I have never made this before but I found this lab to be easy. I put in chicken, mayo, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, walnuts, celery, and lettuce. I seasoned it with cumin and paprika. I thought that my sandwich turned out really well because the chicken was fully cooked, the veggies were cut small and that it was seasoned well. If I could improve on something, it would be to add a little less mayo because it was just a bit too creamy but otherwise it tasted great. I would definitely make this recipe again but I would add some other ingredients.

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