Handmade Pasta

My Reflection

For this lab, we made handmade spaghetti and carbonara sauce. The first day we had to make the pasta because it took a long time to make so we decided to just freeze it and cook it the next day. I didn’t find the pasta too hard to make because I have made it before but when I was cutting it, it stuck together a bit which took a while to separate. For the pasta, I learned how to cut the pasta, knead and stretch it as well as using the flour mixture method and the handmade pasta method. With the pasta, we made a carbonara sauce. The sauce consisted of bacon, garlic, eggs, parmesan, and pasta water. I also added in broccoli but I wouldn’t next time because I didn’t really like them in the sauce and I could’ve cut them into smaller pieces. I would say the most challenging part about making the sauce was pouring the eggs and cheese into the pan because we had to mix it quickly so we didn’t scramble the eggs. I thought the pasta ended up turning out really well because it was al dente and the sauce was flavorful and creamy. I would definitely eat this again.

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