My favourite YouTube clip

Like most people I tend to watch a lot of YouTube, so when it came to picking my favourite video I didn’t have a clue of what I was going to pick. While I was trying to decide, I got hungry and decided to make myself some toast for brunch, and while I was eating my toast, I remembered the Lego stop motion video I watched a while back. I remember being oddly interested by how real the animator of the video had made the Lego appear, and how it looked exactly like they where cooking breakfast (which made me more hungry). Watching this stop motion video reminded me of the time when I had made my own stop motion video using Lego in grade seven. I had worked really hard with my partner to make the video and in the end our hard work had paid off. Of course the video wasn’t very good but we had worked on it for a long time and we tried our best. That video was the first project I had tried my best, and I’m glad I did because even though I lost the video when I bought a new laptop I still remember the first time we watched the video. After the video was over I felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing that I had gave it my all and that I tried my best. Now on every project that is assigned I strive for that same sense of accomplishment and I always try my best, because I know if I don’t then I will be disappointed not because it isn’t perfect but because I could have done better. This stop motion video is now my favourite YouTube clip because it always reminds me of my first stop motion video, and how I should always try my best or else I may regret it.


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