Cream cheese stuffed porkchops- Cooking at home lab

For the cooking at home lab I made cream cheese stuffed porkchops. The filling went really well with the porkchops and despite the meat being a little overcooked it tasted really good. I didn’t use a recipe but it wasn’t hard to make and didn’t require many ingredients. I started by mixing cream cheese, goat cheese and seasoning in a mixing bowl, and then I stuffed the porkchops by cutting a pocket in the meat and filling it with the filling using a piping bag. After all the porkchops were stuffed I cooked them in the oven for about 30 minutes. One of the challenges I faced was cutting a pocket in the meat, but I overcame this by being careful and slow, removing the knife when necessary. My greatest success was the filling, it turned out really well and it made the porkchop taste really good. I’m most proud of how well it ended up turning out, it took some time but I’m glad with the end results. If I were to make this dish again I would add a sauce on top of the porkchop, some cheese sauce or cream of mushroom soup would make the porkchop taste even better.

Omelettes- Knife Skills

For the omelette lab we started by sautéing our vegetable mixture Mise En Place. After the vegetable mixture was finished cooking, we poured the egg mixture we made (egg and milk) into a frying pan and let it cook for about a minute. Next we added our sautéed vegetables and grated cheese onto halve of the egg and flipped the egg over the vegetables and cheese. We left it to cook for another minute before taking it off to cool. I would say our group did great job as our omelettes turned out great, the egg was fluffy, and the vegetables and cheese really complimented the omelette. A struggle that did occur was when I was flipping the omelette, I thought we were supposed to flip it over and then add the filling but lucky I remembered that is wrong and fixed it, this still left a fold but it still turned out well.

In this lab we learned some basic knife skills, and how to medium dice cut vegetables, like mushrooms, potatoes, and onions. The first thing we learned was how to hold a knife, the proper way to hold a knife is with your index finger and thumb on the blade with the rest of you fingers griping the handle. Next we learned how to properly cut with a chef knife. To do this you rock the knife back and forth while cutting the vegetable and make sure that the tip of the knife never leaves the cutting board. The reason we use different knife cuts when cooking is because it can change the texture but also the look of something we cook. For example when making soup if we dice the vegetables really small then the soup will have a different texture then if we cut the vegetables in bigger chunks. Knife cuts can also affect the final look of a dish as there are many different ways to cut food products.

The history of my birthday

My birthday is on September fourth and some events that share the same date throughout history include how:
-in 1787 Louis XVI of France recalled parliament.
-in 1790 Jacques Necker was forced to resign as finance minister in France.
-in 1881 The Edison electric lighting system went into operation as a generator serving 85 paying customers was switched on. -in 1893 Beatrix Potter sent a note to her governess’ son with the first drawing of Peter Rabbit, Cottontail and others. The Tale of Peter Rabbit was published eight years later.

My favourite website

My favourite website is Cool Math Games because when I was a kid and I had finished all of my work I would play games in the computer lab, and the website I used was cool math games. My friends and I would all play together and see who could get the farthest before we had to leave the lab, but the school WIFI was really bad so that always made things more interesting. For example, one time my friends and I were playing Papa’s Burgeria and I had just completed level two when the WIFI shut off and we had to restart. Sometimes I play cool math games with my sister when I’m bored , and it always reminds me of the competitions I used to have with my friends, and how annoyed we would be after we lost all our progress.

A picture that has impacted me

This picture was found on Google Images

I chose this picture because it reminded me of my aunts wedding this summer. I remember the day after the wedding when everyone went to the park for a family barbeque, we ate leftover wedding desserts and had a large variety of homecooked food, and once we were all finished eating, I remember making bouquets with my friends using the flowers from the wedding. For the wedding my aunt had a mix of flowers but the flower that stood out in every bouquet was the dahlia. The dahlia flowers were beautiful and they were the biggest flowers I had ever seen, which made any flowers they were paired with look just as pretty. When I look back over my summer, my aunts wedding was like the dahlia flowers. Her wedding was big, beautiful and the most exciting thing I did over the break. her wedding made my summer even better then it would have been, and now whenever I see dahlia flowers it reminds of her wedding and the amazing time I had being a part of it.

My favourite YouTube clip

Like most people I tend to watch a lot of YouTube, so when it came to picking my favourite video I didn’t have a clue of what I was going to pick. While I was trying to decide, I got hungry and decided to make myself some toast for brunch, and while I was eating my toast, I remembered the Lego stop motion video I watched a while back. I remember being oddly interested by how real the animator of the video had made the Lego appear, and how it looked exactly like they where cooking breakfast (which made me more hungry). Watching this stop motion video reminded me of the time when I had made my own stop motion video using Lego in grade seven. I had worked really hard with my partner to make the video and in the end our hard work had paid off. Of course the video wasn’t very good but we had worked on it for a long time and we tried our best. That video was the first project I had tried my best, and I’m glad I did because even though I lost the video when I bought a new laptop I still remember the first time we watched the video. After the video was over I felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing that I had gave it my all and that I tried my best. Now on every project that is assigned I strive for that same sense of accomplishment and I always try my best, because I know if I don’t then I will be disappointed not because it isn’t perfect but because I could have done better. This stop motion video is now my favourite YouTube clip because it always reminds me of my first stop motion video, and how I should always try my best or else I may regret it.