Core Competency Self-Assessment


Pictured above are the internal organs of a pregnant female dogfish shark. Contained in this image is the spiral intestine, pancreas, rectum, and oviduct.

Throughout this project, collaboration was required in order to ensure a successful thorough dissection of the shark. For the most part, it was my role to take pictures and document every organ or organ system before we detached it from the inside of the shark. The 3 others in my group were ones making the actual cuts. After taking all of these pictures, it was then my job to share them with the group so we could use them for our presentation. I did this by putting all of the videos and images into a folder, and then shared this folder with them on OneDrive. The creation of this folder also meant that others could share any pictures or videos that they took. Something I would improve on next time would be to take more videos of the actual dissection process, so there was more authentic footage to use in our final presentation.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


The artifact that I chose to show is my making a solution activity that I did with a partner. We had to come together and communicate who was doing what. In this activity, we had to describe how to create a particular solution and then carry out the procedure in the lab. My partner and I over the course of this lab had to communicate who was going to get what materials and who was going to do what steps of the procedure. We split the work evenly, and we were able to finish the activity very quickly. After we completed the lab, there were calculations and questions that we needed to answer. Outside of school, my partner and I texted to make sure our answers were similar, but not the same. I learned in this lab how to make a solution, and learned how to better communicate with a partner to ensure the best results.

Core Competency Self Assessment


Pictured are the insides of a fetal pig.

For our fetal pig lab, we had to pair up with a partner and share a pig to dissect. Being a grade 11 in a grade 12 course, I didn’t know many of my peers coming into the class. Thankfully Dylan was willing to be my partner on this one. When working on the exterior features portion of the lab, Dylan was the one taking initiative and keeping me in line, doing the majority of the work. By the time we started the physical dissection of the pig, we had started to get to know each other a little better, and splitting the work relatively evenly. Neither of us had much experience with a scalpel, and we fell behind the majority of the pack on the first day. The next day wasn’t much different, so we decided that we were going to dedicate flex blocks, lunch blocks, and after school time to finish it. It took a lot of our time, but we were able to get everything done except stretching out the digestive tract on the last day of class. We stayed after school for an hour and even though I made a few wrong cuts to the intestine, we got full marks for it. This lab taught me that communication and being on the same page as your partner all the time will enhance your results and if you split work evenly, you don’t have to do as much. I also learned how to properly use a scalpel blade and how to properly identify basic parts of a mammal. This lab was the most informative and most interesting to me over the course of the semester.

Spanish 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment


This is a picture of a script I had to write with my partner, Matthew.

This artifact demonstrates my ability to collaborate because I worked very well with my Matthew. We had to come together to fill in some missing lines in a spanish story. We achieved 13/13 on the assignment. Matthew has been my partner in almost all of our group assignments and projects and I have never had a problem with working with him.

Spanish 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment


My artifact: A picture of a script that my group of 3 did debating about if Coke or Pepsi is better.

This artifact connects to my core competency because as a group, we had to come together and collaborate to come up with original and entertaining ideas. In only a matter of a few hours, we put our heads together to make the best script possible, and in the end we achieved our goal and received a very good mark. I was a leader in the scriptwriting as I wrote the script that was turned into Ms. Ciardullo. Throughout the scriptwriting, members in my group had many ideas that others disagreed with, and we never had a problem with what and what not to include. In a group setting, I never want to be the one doing all the work and this time my group all equally contributed to the scriptwriting.