Most Challenging Lab

I made this quinoa bowl salad and it was the most challenging lab for me. My quinoa salad looked colorful, crunchy because of the vegetables and you can hear its crunchiness while chewing it , additionally, soft when you touch the egg and avocado. I chose this lab as the most challenging because you need to choose variety of vegetables and fruits to create a colorful dish. Moreover, it was hard to think about the platting and it was difficult to cut all ingredients. I think I met the product standards because my quinoa salad was colorful, flavorful, looks appealing in the eyes, and healthy. The challenges I encountered while making the salad were the part of cutting the vegetables, fruits and how am I going to put all the ingredients in the bowl to make it look nice. But, I overcome the challenges with my knife skills and creativeness for the platting. The successful part of this dish was the final product because I think it appeared presentable and edible. Lastly, despite of the challenges, I’m proud of the outcome of my quinoa salad bowl.


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