Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

Beef and Vegetable


I decided to make bacon wrapped steak, Once my steak was cooked I wrapped bacon around the meat. I used a tooth pick to keep it together and made a baked potato with cheese on top and a Cesar salad. It tasted great and turned out good. The potato was fully cooked and the melted cheese tasted great with it.


These Kourabiedes are snowball/ Mexican Christmas cookies. It’s part of our Greek week, which we’ll be preparing over the week and have a full course meal. It was a very simple cookie recipe. I think that this cookies healthier than the chocolate shop cookies, because they don’t have chocolate and instead they have walnuts and almonds. I worked with my two other partners and I haven’t worked with everyone in my group at once. I found there was less things to do because there was three and not two of us. Overall, we were able to complete the recipe as a group and the cookies turned out great!

FruitSkillet Cake


this cake was a quick bread, flour mixture, and cake mixture method. I gave this cake a 6/10 because it isn’t the healthiest with the brown sugar, and butter but It has fruit. The process of making this lab with my partner worked out really well. I feel like we worked as a team and completed are lab on time. Next time I would add some more blueberries into the mixture.

Chicken Thanksgiving Dinner


This lab we made stuffed chicken, glazed carrots, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. The mashed potatoes were plain next time I would glaze some gravy. The carrots weren’t cooked long enough and were still a little hard. The chicken was nice and flavour because it was marinated overnight. I learned how to stuff chicken and make stuffing. The process of making everything was a new learning experience because I haven’t made a chicken thanksgiving dinner before.

Ravioli/Agnolotti with Spinach Ricotta Filling


In Senior foods we made ravioli. This lab was delicious with the brown butter sauce which was simple but had lots of flavour from the chilli and garlic. The filling was homemade spinach ricotta. This lab was broken down into three days. The first day we made the pasta dough and the filling, the second day we stretched the dough, and cut it, then filled it. The last day we cooked the pasta and made the brown butter sauce. I worked well with my group, next time I would read over the recipe because instead of two pots we only had one large. The pasta still turned out great. I learned how to fill and shape the pasta.


The waffles are made from leavened batter. This was a easier lab to do, because I have made waffles before. I put the batter in a waffle iron grill to give it that patterned and characteristic size and shape. I served it with blueberry sauce, next time I wouldn’t add as much because it was very sweet. This lab has been one of my favourite labs, because it’s easy to make at home and tastes delicious.

Breakfast Sandwich

My partner and I decided to really challenge are selves for this lab. We decided to make homemade croissants, instead of baking a scone or biscuit. When making the croissants at home I tried following the recipe to the best of my ability, but they didn’t turn out light and flaky. The filling in the croissant was tasty, and healthy. Next time I would try a two day recipe instead of a one day recipe for the croissants. My partner did a t

wo day recipe and hers meet product standards.