Chicken Thanksgiving Dinner


This lab we made stuffed chicken, glazed carrots, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. The mashed potatoes were plain next time I would glaze some gravy. The carrots weren’t cooked long enough and were still a little hard. The chicken was nice and flavour because it was marinated overnight. I learned how to stuff chicken and make stuffing. The process of making everything was a new learning experience because I haven’t made a chicken thanksgiving dinner before.

Tuna Zucchini Casserole


This senior foods home lab I made a tuna casserole, it’s filled with vegetables like zucchini, tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, and onions. Melted on top is cheese and has lots of spices like cumin and paprika. This was a really fast lab to prepare, and cooked in the oven for half an hour. A tuna casserole has mainly pasta and tuna but I decided to not add pasta. Next time I would add pasta, more cheese, and bread crumbs on top.

Shrimp Pasta


This is a grade 12 home lab, I made shrimp pasta it has tomato, and cheddar cheese. The shrimp gave the food lots of flavor, and the tomatoes were sautéed. It tasted delicious and I would eat this again. I used my knife skills by chopping the tomatoes, and I cooked the pasta till it was tender to the tooth. Next time I would make a side of salad to go with it to balance the food.

Carbonara Pasta


This lab we made hand made pasta that was a two day lab. I missed the first day of this lab which was making the dough, the second day we stretched the dough and cut it into spaghetti. The Carbonara has bacon, garlic, onions, eggs, cheese, and parsley. When all the food was sautéed we had to add the spaghetti water and I added to much water and mine was a little to watery. I have never made carbonara pasta before and I really enjoyed it.

Chili with Cornbread


This lab was split into a two day lab. The first day we prepared and cooked the chili. The second day we made the cornbread and finished off the chili. I have never made cornbread before nd it tasted great with the chili. The chili was made of kidney beans, black beans, tomato sauce, corn, beef, onion, garlic, zucchini, and peppers. The chili was very flavorful and warm. I put my grated cheese on top with the avocado and cornbread for decoration and to make it appealing. My biggest challenge was giving that chili flavor because I found my chili was very plain, once I added in more chili powder it tastes more of a chili.

Porchetta Burrito


This lab we used porchetta as our protein in the burrito. Porchetta is a savoury, fatty, and moist boneless pork roast of Italian culinary tradition. The burrito also had grated cheese, beans, green onion, feta cheese, and sautéed peppers. This was a pretty straight forward lab, I worked well with my group and we were efficient. My favourite part of this dish was the porchetta, I have never had it before and it was very flavorful.

Fish Soup


This was a senior foods home lab, I made vegetable fish soup. It was a very flavorful with onions, carrots, fish, and mushrooms. I practiced my knife skills with the vegetables by chopping them. I seasoned and tasted my food until flavors were extracted. This recipe was a little different from something that I would normally make at home, but the process of making this food was easy.

Ravioli/Agnolotti with Spinach Ricotta Filling


In Senior foods we made ravioli. This lab was delicious with the brown butter sauce which was simple but had lots of flavour from the chilli and garlic. The filling was homemade spinach ricotta. This lab was broken down into three days. The first day we made the pasta dough and the filling, the second day we stretched the dough, and cut it, then filled it. The last day we cooked the pasta and made the brown butter sauce. I worked well with my group, next time I would read over the recipe because instead of two pots we only had one large. The pasta still turned out great. I learned how to fill and shape the pasta.

Vegetable Soup


This is a Foods 12 lab. I made a vegetable broth soup which has onions, beans, carrots, potatoes, and kale. The soup was really chunky next time I would cut the vegetables smaller, or put the soup in a blender and pulse it a few times.

Breakfast Home Lab


For this home lab, I decided to make a breakfast bagel and a strawberry, mango smoothie. My smoothie turned out great and tasted delicous. Inside the bagel is ham, cream cheese, avocado, and a fried egg. I have it five stars because I would eat this again and is a fast breakfast you can make.

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